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G4+ and E-throttle control

Walker motorsport

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Hi, I've had conflicting reports about the ability of my G4+ Xtreme red to handle an E-Throttle.

Can you please confirm to me that my ECU is capable of running an E-Throttle setup or not?

I know there's a separate module available, would that be better to use? my use case is a circuit race car and I've heard that there might be issues around the granular control of the throttle?  

my ecu is this one

G4+ Xtreme Red


if you could please confirm this as I'm not wanting to act based on rumor or comment's, rather get the correct info from here.



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  • 2 months later...

Ive set up E-throttle and have run through the calibration stages and have encountered an issue whereby im getting an Error 76 which i read as relating to a variance between the TPS1 and TPS 2 signals.

Apart from this fault ( and the fact that when the fault count gets to 100 the throttle turns off ) it all appears to work fine in setup mode, with run mode on the throttle as it works without engine running, albeit the throttle is quite noisy (humming noise, not sure if that's normal ? )

So my question here is, Is there a parameter that I can change to remove this error, or should i fit another throttle body as this one might have an issue? ( it was working fine in donor vehicle ), or am i missing something ?

FYI: pedal is working fine as far as i can tell ( BMW E46 pedal, and Throttle is VDO unit from BMW M62.

I have the TPS Sub set to 100%, although thinking about it, this might need to be adjusted to 95% as one stops slightly before the other.


I dont have a logfile, but can run one tonight if that would help.

Thank you in advance for any help.


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