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Injector drivers not working


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Hi, Im not getting any injector pulses during injector test mode.  Recently installed Monsoon ecu and complete rewire.  Car has been starting and running fine for the past month.  Then all of a sudden the car wouldn't start.  The only work I done on the car from the last time it started was - I pulled out the relay for coils as I was trying to Isolate various circuits so I could find a suitable  12v supply for an isc valve im in the process of installing.  I  put the relay back in the wrong spot which was a spare spot not connected to anything.  When i figured out the error, I put relay back in correct spot and expected the car would start.  It did start, but barely.  Roughly idled for a bout 30 seconds, sounded like it wasn't getting much fuel and then just stalled.  After that, it did not start again.  I attached one lead of oscilloscope to driver output at unplugged injector pin, and the other end to positive battery terminal.  Not reading anything.   Ive got  12V and ground at injector plug.  Thinking maybe a problem with ecu

any help would be appreciated,  thanks

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The next thing I would do to eliminate a wiring issue is power the ecu up on the bench, just 12V on pin 5 and ground on pin 34.  Then do an injector test, preferably test with an LED test lamp as the scope may still show nothing since there is no injector "pulling it high"

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Ok, so just bench tested and am getting all good injector signals.  So I guess that means ecu is all good.  I must have either disturbed some wiring or changed something in the configuration??  Ill fit it back to vehicle tomorrow and recheck wiring / configuration...  

Thankyou for your help, much appreciated.

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