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Little annoyance.


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Anyone else notice or have a way to change this?? Not really an issue at all but im setting up individual EGT with my link g4x. Im using GP Temp 2, GP Temp 3, GP Temp 4, and a GP Analog Input with an amplifier from the sensors. Amplifier has 0-5v outputs that I am sending to the link. I have everything set up correctly I believe but I noticed all of  my GP Temp inputs read default 32.0 as should, but my GP Analog input just reads 32. Which again isnt really an issue. But seeing my display as

32.0    32.0    32.0    32   is just kinda annoying to me haha. My OCD coming into play.  Any way to change this? Thanks for any input.

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4 hours ago, Adamw said:

So could you not move whatever is on GP Temp 1 to the GP analog instead, so you have 4 of the same input types for the EGT's?  

Otherwise a mathblock could be used to specify the number of decimal places.  

Hey Adam thanks for the input. I thought  about doing that but figured there would be more wiring involved. If it’s just a configuration change in link that would be great. Otherwise I may try the math block or just not let it bother me. I’ll play around with it some more and see what I come up with. Thanks again as always. 

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1 hour ago, Adamw said:

No wiring needed, just move the label, source, and cal setting from GP Temp 1 to GP Analog *

Thanks! I took another look at it this morning and found that my GP Temp 1 was allocated to MAF IAT. and source was NONE. so I figured it was not being used currently. I was able to set up all 4 GP Temp inputs to be used as my individual EGTs. Thanks again for the info!

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