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DC5 Base Map error?


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Just noticed a potential error in the Trigger settings for the Integra Type R (DC5) sample map.  

When I open the file fresh, it's got Trigger Mode set to Honda K20 VTC.  Trig 1 Edge is set to Rising, and Trig 2 Edge to Falling.  

If I change Trigger Mode to Honda K24 VTC, the Trig 1 Edge changes to Falling.  If I change Trigger Mode back to Honda K20 VTC, the Trig 1 Edge stays set to Falling.  Trig 2 Edge stays at Falling in all cases.

I think Falling is the correct setting for Trig 1 Edge for both K20 and K24.  It looks to me like the base map has Trig 1 Edge incorrectly set, but the settings in the Trigger Mode options are correct, and changing the Trigger Mode will set Trig 1 Edge correctly.  Can anybody sanity check me on this?

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Great, thanks for confirming!  

I still think there's something wonky in the Trigger Mode selections.  The following steps will demonstrate:

  1. Open this new base map, and go to the Trigger Setup tab.  Trigger Mode is set to Honda K20 VTC, and Trig 1 Edge is set to Rising.
  2. Set Trigger Mode to just about anything else that forces changes to trigger settings.  I picked Porsche 944 for no particular reason.
  3. Set Trigger Mode back to Honda K20 VTC.  This time Trig 1 Edge is set to Falling.  Previously it was Rising for the same Trigger Mode setting.

I'm not blocked by this or anything!  Just wanted to make sure you knew about the behavior.  I'm trying this in PCLink version 7.1.21

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