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No Clue.....


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I am working through some idle irregularities my 04 2.5L and have gotten them mostly ironed out at this point. I am by no means an expert, but there are a few things I noticed in your tune that stood out.

  1. Your E-throttle is in setup mode - you should change this to 'On' after calibration.
  2. Your Trigger 1 error count is 104, so something is going on there. Your arming thresholds look at little off in the 500-1000 range. I run single AVCS and mine are 0.5 & 1.2 @ 500 & 1000 (yours are 0.8 & 0.8).
  3. You don't have any trigger offset - did you set base timing?
  4. You are in modelled mode and your IAT is reading -40oC. Seems way too cold for San Fran.

Probably the first thing that is going to happen when a one of the Link gurus sees your post is that they are going to ask for a log of start-up and idle and probably a trigger scope for the trigger errors - you should grab those and add them to your post. 

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Yeah, That's the wrong Starter Tune. I have gone through all the standard routines as far as setting base timing and most of the other basics. I've definitely been getting hung up on the trigger 2 programming though, as far as which bank the cam sensor trigger is read from and what exactly I should be looking for on the trigger scope and F12 VVT data. Maybe it's just me but some of the phrasing seems kind of contradictory. And the only way I get the car to start is by putting both inlet banks to "trigger 2" inputs and not DI 1-4. Also my Crank sensor wheel looks completely different then others I've seen. I guess they are the 36 2 2 2. Mine has a tooth long space tooth long space 16 teeth long space tooth long space tooth long space 13 teeth repeat. And my cams have a recess not actual protruding teeth.

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Please do a trigger scope capture while cranking and attach the file here.  A short PC log of it cranking and idling also.  


2 hours ago, SanFranCyco415 said:

And the only way I get the car to start is by putting both inlet banks to "trigger 2" inputs and not DI 1-4.

VVT settings make no difference to the trigger or the ability for the engine to start.  The ecu will always use the sensors that are wired to the trigger 1 and trigger 2 pins.  The scope will confirm if these are correct or not.  


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Some of your crank teeth are only reaching about 0.3V and many only about 0.5Vwhen cranking so your current arming threshold of 0.8V would cause the ecu to ignore some real teeth.  

Chage the trig 1 arming threshold to 0.2V in the 500RPM cell.  


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