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Setting base timing - No spark while cranking


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Have a G4X Atom that's been all wired up to a VW ABF with ITBS. The sensors are calibrated but when trying to set the base timing, I'm not getting any spark while cranking. Coils all fire when testing but not while cranking. 
I've attached my setup, some logs while cranking and a trigger scope log.

TriggerScopeLog.llg5 cranking log - no spark.llgx


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The signal from the crank sensor is intermittent, there are several patches where the sensor stops outputting the signal for a few teeth.  Oddly it seems to occur quite regularly at 2 specific crank angles.  So possibly the air gap is borderline too big, the wheel has significant runout, or possibly just a faulty sensor.  

The cam sensor is not working but I suspect that just needs the pull-up turned on to fix that.  

The areas with the pink arrows below should have fine teeth just like the rest.  The gaps with the green check mark are the 2 missing teeth so these are meant to be there.  


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Thanks for the reply, Adam. I did wonder if the sensor might be faulty. I did have a couple more logs that I took while cranking multiple times and there are while that chart is relatively consistent above, some of the others are not which makes me think it might be the sensor itself rather than something to do with the trigger wheel. I'll pop in a new sensor when I can get my hands another and report back.


On a side note to the other point, trigger 2 scopes were disabled on purpose.

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