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I am wanting to set up my G3 using an adaptor link onto Legacy rally car, is it possible to conbine: 1) Dash switched anti-lag 2) Speed input (can you use the std speed input from cluster to ecu) 3) Launch control and flat shifting Or is it a matter of selecting most wanted choice?


In short, No.  The reason for this is that each of the functions you have described require a Digital Input.  The LEM has only one digital input.  On the adapter, that Digital input is sed to measure speed (or A/C in if used).  Here is what you could do:

  • Wire the digital input to a clutch switch (and maybe also through a dash mounted disable switch).  That will give you the ability to use the non speed referenced launch control mode.
  • Turn Anti-lag on permanently on rally days.  That can be done through PCLink.  Rmeber you will also need some sort of idle up device that you can switch on at the same time.

The other obvious option is to use a LinkPlus G3 that has 8 Digital Inputs.  That way you could wire speed, an Antilag switch, a launch control switch and clutch switch.  That would give you the ability to run Anti-lag, Launc and Flat shifting all independantly.  It would also give you the options of sequential injection, group n (cyclic idle) anti-lag mode, knock control and heaps of extra inputs and outputs for whatever you want to wire.  There is no adapter available for the LinkPlus G3.


Thanks for your help. Also, are you able to run anti-lag 'always on' TPS switched and then have the choice of either speed or launch control via the digital input. As I am waiting for a link dash for these to display.


When anti-lag is always on, it is "Always Enabled".  It will only become active when the conditions required are met.  Download PCLink and read up in the online help.


Another question is I currently have a Possumlink ecu fitted, am I able to retreive this file and use that in the G3 so that I have a base map which suits the current engine configuration? If so how can I switch files?


The two ECU's use completely different softwarev platforms and because of that maps are not interchangeable.   The shape of the curve used in you old ECU will match that of the new ECU, but you will have to tune from scratch.  Even if they could be swapped over, the G3 has so many other corrections that you would end up fully retuning your ECU anyway...


Ok I am going through the set up with the adaptor link instructions and it has the Aux 6 output as Intercooler pump. I was goig to use the V1-2 (as there is no Legacy) base map and in this it has Aux 6 as fuel pump. In all the drop down menues there is no allocation for I/C pump. Is there a simple answer that I am overlooking? Secondly the G3 I purchased has the 5 bar map sensor and the drop down menue choice gives either 2.5 or 7 bar, what would be the correct selection? Thanks Ivan


The V1-2 base map will be fine for an RS legacy as it is the same engine.  There is a typo in the instructions.  Aux 6 should say "Fuel Pump".  There is no provision on the adapter as far as I can see for an inter-cooler pump.  You would probably have noticed that if Aux 6 is not set on fuel pump, the engine would not run...  I will fix the instructions, sorry for the confusion.

The 5 bar MAP sensor is the same as the 7 bar sensor.  The sensor is actually good for 7 bar, but sold as a 5 bar as no one will ever run (hopefuly) more than 4 bar of boost...  Make sure you do a MAP calibration after setting the correct MAP sensor.


Sorry to say if you want grpN anti lag you will need to shell out for a linkplus  this is one of the feature differences of the LEM and the Linkplus   

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