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Strada MXG & WRXV11 RPM and MAP data issue.


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Running into a weird issue in regards to the CAN channel for the Strada MXG display. Set up as per instructions values view correctly on the dash. With the enigne off just ACC powered on the RPM jumps from 0 - 25000 RPM flashes the shift lights and repeats constantly. The MAP values also look unstable jumping around.


Any thoughts?


One thing i did make note of is the the stream is supposed to be 20HZ from the PCLINK set up - but the dash is sampling at 10hz on most channels factory.


RPM is just factory sensors - 2010 STI

MAP is a link 4 bar - we have adjusted to the proper table and calibrated in the software.

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Ok I did get the MAP and Rpm sorted. Next issues - speed sensor and fuel level. My understanding is that the fuel level is a CAN function. On the MXG Strada the speed does not respond and the fuel level selection in Can channels in not able to be selected.

Sti V3.pclx

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The 4 individual wheel speeds are sent in the MSX stream.  I suspect the problem with the wheel speeds not working will be because you have the MXS stream and the DASH2PRO stream both being sent on ID 1000, so they are likely over-writing each other and causing bus errors.  Either turn off dash2pro or use a different ID.  

The ECU and dash will need a custom stream set up to use the fuel level resistance from the BCM.  

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  • 1 month later...

Hey @Adamw for the AIM back end I seem to have found a bug. Is that something that can be noted on the Link side or does that go back to AIM? This file attached has a dash profile set up that is the p22i_race dash ( the red one ) The fuel gauge does not work I have the high value set as 420 Ohms full and 6000 empty. These values work on all the other dash profiles. This dash will not respond at these settings, but if you reverse and make 420 empty and 6000 full it works backwards lol - and will show empty when its full and work down to full when its empty.


Any thoughts?

rumbly sti v2.aimcfg

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That display field expects a 0-100% or 0-** litres value to represent empty to full.  I would use a linear corrector math channel to generate this.  Setup below would convert your 6000-400ohm signal to 0-100%:




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  • 2 weeks later...

Whelp - there goes any plans I had for running a digital dash in my grb 😕

I'm guessing the center diff controller also uses the can input from the selector to tweak things to how it engages, seeing as how much of a different it made on the factory ecu to how the car handled.

Can gauge in the center airvent it is then...

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@cbDrift the dccd works just fine. It's a CAN signal and shows on the dash. From what I can see the Si drive switch changes resistance to the dash and that was translated to a CAN signal. In theory you could pin the switch to an AN1-7 input on the strada and receive a signal.


That's what I am working through right now.....

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