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FuryX and 2-wire ISCV AUX status FAULT


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Having difficulty with aux on FuryX functioning with 1993 Ford Mustang 5.0L 2-wire idle speed control valve. Wiring and settings confirmed to be correct (type is solenoid, tried 150, 200, & 250hz).

ISCV measures 9.5 ohms at its resting closed state. When the ECU is powered on, the AUX is outputting 11.5V and the other pin has 12V, which means it has around 1.25 amps (max for AUX low side is 2 amps).

When testing aux, ON or ON-PWM, AUX status immediately trips to FAULT. 

Please share your thoughts. 


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  • servicesoon changed the title to FuryX and 2-wire ISCV AUX status FAULT

I have no experience with that specific valve, but never noticed any polarity requirement when using other similar looking 5.0 ford valves.  Can you back probe the aux pin and measure the voltage on it when in "test ON" mode.

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@Adamw we verified 12v on pin 1, and 12v on pin 2 when key ON, aux OFF. We verified 12v on pin 1, and 0V on pin 2 when key ON, aux test ON. Still doesn’t work. 

Tried test mode aux ON pwm at 10,50,100 & 200hz.  Could not hear ISCV click. 

Found this wiring diagram for the ISCV we are using. Could this be why the link can’t control?


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9 hours ago, servicesoon said:

Found this wiring diagram for the ISCV we are using. Could this be why the link can’t control

No, the ecu has flywheeling diodes on the auxes inside the ecu.  

It sounds like the valve is dead from what you have described.  Does it click if you use a couple of test wires straight from the battery to the valve?

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