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Boost cut at 100kpa.


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Hi everyone 

I'm having what seems like fuel cut at 100kpa. Probably boost cut. I can't find the problem it had been a couple of days

Engine m50b25 

Injectors 840cc

Radium fuel system 4.5 bar

Storm g4+ black

External wastegate

Link boost controller 

Link 4 bar MAF.

I tried the following 

Open loop control with map limit 250kpa

Removed MAF limit from engine protection 

Disconnected wastegate line from boost controller 

Tested MAF sensor by connecting it to air compressor outlet. It reads perfectly 

At all the above tests the same issue persist 

Fuel cut at 100kpa

Under 100 kpa AFR is perfect and so is ignition timing 

Any ideas are greatly appreciated. 

I'll send a full log and the file tomorrow 

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There are no limiters or cut active in your log.  You have a misfire.  

The first thing that looks out of place to me is there is a crap load of fuel going in if it really does have 840cc injectors.  Change the accel fuel load correction back to 1 and reduce the master fuel value to see if it runs better with less fuel.

What ignition coils does it have?  

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Thanks @Adamw Yes it runs better now thanks.

Reduced master fuel from 14 to 10

Reduced acceleration wakeup load to 1 

Is there something else?  Still same issue at 100kpa

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Your MAP sensor looks suspicious to me in that it appears to flatline/bottom out at 35Kpa and doesnt increase until you get over about 15% throttle.

The coil dwell is way too much for VAG coils, they typically work around 1.8ms.

There is nothing much else obvious in your log.    

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