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How to set CAM tooth, for sequential fuel, and wastefire spark.


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Hi i want to switch to sequential fuel, but i dont know how to set my cam thooth.

I am running waste fire, so i cant see if the phase is wrong by checking if its running.

Trigg 1 is 60-2 and

Trigg 2 is one tooth per cam rotation.

How can i know where the CAM thooth should be? i can adjust it if needed.

The engine is 4 cyl, one cam.

Thanks in advance.

Trigger Scope Log 2024-07-5 cam ok.llg

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Firstly, your crank sensor is wired incorrect polarity so that needs to be reversed.  

For the cam sensor, its location doesnt matter, all the ecu does is checks if it saw a cam pulse in the last revolution or not.  

If you want to confirm if your offset is correct or not then temporarily change ignition mode to direct spark, unplug injectors 3 & 4, then try starting the engine, if it trys to start or runs on 2 cylinders then offset is correct, if it doesnt fire at all or back fires then your offset is 360out.  (this is assuming firing order is 1342).

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