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Atempted First Start!


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I won't bore you with how I got here but I am currently stuck trying to start my car, lol!

I've check my I/O pins, set up my ECT, IAT, MAP, etc.

Here are my settings:

The fuel mode is Modelled, with a FP Sensor fuel system type. Since this is a PnP WRX104X 224-4000; most of the other characterization data is already pre-populated.

Injector flow is 1065cc/min @ 43.5 per IDs website (as well as Dead Times, and SPWAT all from IDs spec sheet)

Pre-Crank Prime mode is KEY ON, with a 150% First Crank Prime enrichment. Post start enrichment is all pre-populated from the ECU for a Subaru (meaning, I didn't touch/change any of it)

At an ECT and IAT temp of about ~74F, the numbers are:

Pre-crank Prime: 23ms
Crank Enrichment of about ~60% with a Crank Hold time of about 2.3secs.
Post Start enrichment of about ~40% with a hold time of 4secs and a decay of 14secs.

The car dies right about 2-3 seconds into start up; chugs and dies, never reaching above ~1000rpm for a brief moment before it dies and that is IF it gets past the cranking phase at all.

I've adjusted the injector size DOWN to 800cc/min, and that seems to help a bit but the car still dies after about 3 secs after start up. Looking through the timeline, it does not seem to get past the cranking enrichment phase, and not even into the Post Start enrichment phase before it dies.

Worth mentioning that this is a Sequential/Staged injection Mode but the secondary injectors play no role in cold starts and cranking.

What can I adjust/should I adjust to get the car to stay on and past the post start enrichment and INTO the Warmup enrichment phase?


My Tuning Tab on Link:


Fuel Runtimes:


Attempted Start Up:



Edit: (forgot to Add)

Injector Timing is:
Single Zone, Start of Injection @ 470BTDC

Edited by Frm_Zero7d9
forgot to Add Injector Timing
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On 8/31/2024 at 3:50 AM, Adamw said:

Attach a copy of the map and a PC log of a start attempt.  Videos will only ever have a tiny percentage of the data.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P1LRANeO4A


I've uploaded the files to my Google Drive:



Hope this helps...^_^

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  1. The values in your fuel table are not suitable for modelled fuel equation, VE should be around 50-60 at idle and ~100-110 at peak torque.  I would start by importing the table from our WRX11 base map.  Import the charge temp approximation table from the WRX11 map while you are there.
  2. Turn off the 4D fuel table which was for TGV.  Turn off the IAT trim table as modelled mode will take care of this in the calculation.
  3. Your fuel pressure looks incorrect, it is showing 600Kpa even when the pump is not running.  You could try changing fuel system type to MAP referenced so the fuel pressure sensor is ignored for now.  
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I knew the fuel pressure sensor was acting funny.

Ok, I've Turned off the 4D fuel table, turned off IAT trim table, switched the fuel pressure to MAP referenced and changed the fuel and charge temp tables to the v11...


It started right up!!! ^_^

you &%$# wizard, you!! The car is freaking RUNNING!! 

First start with the LINK, thank you so much Adam!!!

I'm sending over a log of the first start to see if you see any glaring errors that I need to fix. 

I know about the oil pressure and fuel pressure, I'll get to those in the next few days. The Lambda is reading at 0.85 currently with an ECT of 180F and an IAT of 73F. A quick note about these oscillations that I believe you can see in the log towards the end; once the car is warmed up. 

What would cause that?



I must say...the very first thing that struck me is now much smoother the engine is sounding as opposed to the stock OEM...honestly, it just sounds so much smoother!



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The idle oscillation is due to the idle actuator integral gain, it is currently 0.5, for e-throttle 0.05 would be more typical.  The MAP lockout in idle control settings probably wants to come up to about 65kPa as it may be a bit borderline at 50kpa when its cold due to your altitude.  

Your VVT will need calibration to make that work, and the WRX11 VVT target table might be a better starting point than the current one also.  

The fuel table will likely need adjustments to bring the lambda closer, but you probably want to correct the fuel press sensor first as that will likely change things when enabled later.  

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