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E85 questions?? Tuning company advice too...

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Again a newbie question, but I am very interested in getting my new motor to be able to run E85. Not as the main type of fuel, but as my choice of track fuel. It is due to be on sale in Sydney in 2008 at approx. $1 per litre and when you consider race fuel is about $5 per litre you can see just why it is so attractive. You can advance timing by at least 5 to 7 degrees if not more, by all reports but it needs approx. 30% more fuel to run properly. So can I assume that the G3+ can run at least 2 maps and as you have to have larger injectors and possibly 2 fuel pumps, is there any potential issues when just running the street map for say 98oct pump? Can anyone outline whatever else I should be thinking of? This motor is getting built and tuned in the US before being shipped out here so we believe that they can tune the road map on their 93 pump which should be pretty close to our 98oct, and do a race map for the E85 which should be pretty much the same too. Any thoughts there too? Also, I have been advised to use Advan Automotive in Sydney for further tuning when it gets here. I have contacted them a number of times and they don't seem interested in my project. I was going to buy the complete system from them too, but again no interest. Does anyone have any advice as to where to go in Sydney for Link expertise? Thanks in advance. Patrick


Hi when you say E85 do you mean 85% ethanol or 85% petrol as some countries do it differently than what we get marketed

The G3 will run dual fuel and ign maps no worries

What sort of horse power are you aiming for as this will dictate the fuel requirements  inj size, fuel pump flow etc..

What are you after in the way of complete system  and what are they using to run it on in the states

also who is doing the mapping in the states



[email protected]


Hi David, thx for reply. The E85 is 85 ethanol and 15% of some other more regular fuel. It works very well for turbocharged cars. Has an approx oct of about 115. You need to use about 30% more fuel so we have to run bigger injectors and maybe two fuel pumps. Possibly change the fuel lines and any other rubber components too. The issue for us in Australia is that race fuel is about $5 per litre which is approx $19 per gallon! The E85 will be approx $4 per gallon so you can see why we are interested. The engine is breaking new ground for the little Porsche 944 turbo world and will have some totally custom parts on it. We don't know the hp tq levels yet. Anticipating over 700hp. The companies building the motor are Performance Developments in Costa Mesa Cal. and Custom Engineered Performance outside of Chicago. Neil Harvey of PD is ex BMW F1 when they won 2 world championships and he will be doing the bulk of the build and mapping. He is apparently the agent for LINK in his part of the world. They will use 93 pump to get me some street maps, and were going to use race fuel, but maybe do E85 depending on what we turn up in research. It will be the G3+. The reason that I was going to buy it in Sydney, Australia was that it's way cheaper here, and it may help my relationship with the tuning outfit that I'd work with here. I assume that the maps that they do in the US won't be 100% perfect due to fuel differences so will probably need some minor tweaking. Anyway, long story, but thx for any advice. Feel free to email me too if that is more convenient. Patrick [email protected]


you are onto the right man for porsche engines and tuning  Neil is the best I have come across for this kind of work so say hi to Niel for me and Roger at Heads up performance who owns the engine dyno  when you talk to them next .

I have spent some time with niel over the last couple of years and the cars i have been in would have to be some of the fastest and crispest around.

85% ethanol will behave really well and wont worry your fuel lines to much just make sure the size is right for the flow requirements as well as a decent ignintion system to light the fuse


David Heerdegen

[email protected]


Thanks Ashley. I'm in discourse now with David and Dave McGrath in the US. He is the front engined Porsche representative for Neil. I just don't want to tread on Neil's toes either as he is both my engine builder and apparently the LINK agent in the US or So-Cal at least. I won't discuss costs but I believe that they're much cheaper here than the US? That's a first for Porsche stuff let me tell you! I need to find out what ignition and size of injectors and other stuff too. This may not be known just yet as this is an original project in part. thx

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