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I have an EvoLink G1 and Tuning module and the tuning module has gone blank and does not display any characters or symbols at all. It lights up when the key is turned but as I said nothing comes up on the display. I understand the Tuning module is driven by the ecu so would this be a fault of the ecu or the Tuning Module?


Hi Brendon.

This could be the typical symptoms and lead up symptoms to dry solder joins on either the tuning port header, main header, micro, or all three.  Sometimes the ribbon cable can give grief depending on it's historical treatment.  In short it could be either device causing this.

If you know someone proficient in electronic servicing, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have them re-solder everything on the board that looks slightly un-toward.  Or if you like, you can send them both in to us (most recommended), and we can just give it a good old service and test everything at the same time.



Hi Jurgen, thanks for the reply. I have tried a new ribbon cable and I have re-soldered the pins of the header on the Tuning Module (I'm pretty handy with a soldering iron) just in case it had a dry joint but neither helped. I'll have a closer look at the header on the ECU end and see if it has any dry joints. But I might just send the lot to you guys to get looked at as the ECU was throwing a fit for a minute or 2 on warm up prior to this happening. Also wouldnt mind getting launch control added to it if thats possible. How do I go about getting it serviced?

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Brendon.

Sorry for the very late reply to this post.  You could just send it in to us at the following address.  Things tend to get lost in the post, so I will recommend sending it by DHL or similar.  Launch is possible, and the cost will not be that dramatic.  Email [email protected] for pricing.

Link ElectroSystems

1 Bridle Path Road

Heathcote Valley

Christchurch 8022

New Zealand



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