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Fraser Simpson

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    Fraser Simpson reacted to Adamw in G4+ Extreme CAN coms with Racepak IQ3   
    What you are describing is a often refereded to as a "sequential message", this is where you have a base ID and each subsequent frame uses an ID that is incremented by some amount.  At present the only way to do this in Link in how you have done it - that is assigning separate channels/streams for each message.  The problem with sequential is there is no "industry standard" for the increment.  Some use increments of 1, some use 8 or 10 or 16 or even mixtures of these...
    Note that Haltech is not really sequential, their first few frames look like it, 361, 362, 363, etc, but after 363 it jumps to 368.  
    This is called compound or multiplexed messaging.  Note you need to have an identifier in one of the bytes for this to work.  You set that up in the "frame ID" box at the top of the streams tab.
    If you are interested there are a few examples of Arduino sketches linked here on the forum if you want to see how others have decoded this type of message.  Most use the arduino "switch/case" statement to interperet the frame into different channels depending on the frame ID.
    Another option is to use the preconfigured dash2pro stream which uses 3 sequential ID's.  If there are any channels missing that you want you can just add another custom stream on the end.
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    Fraser Simpson reacted to wastegate in G4+ Extreme CAN coms with Racepak IQ3   
    Hi Adam, 
    Sorry for Zombie posting this but had a question regarding the CAN structure and CAN IDs.
    My friend makes a Gauge that was made for the Haltech originally.  Uses a CAN ID+N similar to the Race Tech above.
    My question was, is there a way to address different CAN ID eg +1 +2 etc without needing to use a separate channel for each to specify the new CAN ID?
    At the moment we are using 3 channels with separate CAN IDs and a user stream on each, then they have a single frame on each stream with the parameters.
    We tried it with multiple frames on the one stream but the frames seemed to mix. So had to do above.
    We managed to get this working with minor changes to his code but would be nice to get all the streams onto one channel, without needing to completely rewrite the audrino code.
    Here is the gauge working with the multiple channels for a example.

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