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Everything posted by PhoSho

  1. Post your tune.
  2. PhoSho

    CLL ECT Lockout

    Thank you Vaughan - I suspected that was the way it worked. In modelled mode with warmup enrichment disabled (zero'd), is there any reason to not have CLL kick in a lower coolant temps? I have my overlay table set to enrichen at colder ECTs and if CLL obeys this adjustment, is there any downside to having CLL enabled earlier?
  3. Just an update - this same issue happened again and was consistent for several minutes. I found cylinder 2 coil plug wasn't fully clipped in and was making intermittent contact. Seated plug and all is well.
  4. PhoSho

    CLL ECT Lockout

    My CLL ECT Lockout is currently set to 80c. I just switched over from traditional to modelled, so I have zero'd the warmup enrichment table and have instead used lambda overlay to enrich during warmup. My question is: does CLL account for the overlay table values? And if so, is there any reason not to lower my ECT Lockout to something like 40c? I would like to get into CLL earlier.
  5. PhoSho

    PS150 Variohm Sensor

    The gauge does have a vent, but it is oddly located on the bottom. I had initially vented it, but that was in the winter. I pulled the plug again and everything is much closer now - within ~5% of the sensor reading.
  6. I have my IAT wired via my MAF plug and it works like a champ. I think it is generally much easier to wire your sensors to unused factory inputs rather than routing new harness. The IAT is even easier in this case - if wired to correctly to the factory MAF IAT, all you have to do it give it the correct calibration.
  7. PhoSho

    PS150 Variohm Sensor

    Hoping someone could help with a fuel pressure discrepancy I am experiencing. I have a mechanical gauge on my FPR mounted directly into the body. Manufacturer (Radium) claims +/- 2% accuracy. I have the Link PS150 sensor mounted on the fuel line directly before it feeds into the regulator, so they are just a couple inches apart. I see a ~30kpa difference between the two (gauge reads around 200 kpa while the sensor reports ~230 kpa) at idle with reference line hooked up (similar without reference). The calibration I used for the sensor is the '1000 kpa TI Sensor' cal shown earlier in this thread. Which one should I trust? If the sensor is off, once I switch to modelled, everything will be off. I have attached a photo of my FPR setup. Sensor is to the left, on the feed line to the regulator.
  8. Thank you Adam. I had a suspicion that it was a fuel delivery problem too - I was just hoping it would show itself in the log. I did just replace the battery with a small form version and the battery terminals are a bit small, so I will check on those. Maybe just reinstall the original battery to see if that takes care of the issue.
  9. Howdy All, I have gotten my car running again (04 Forester XT - EJ25 on a 104X) with a new intake manifold, injectors (1050x), rails, pump, lines, regulator, and filter. I had it idling today just trying to bleed out the cooling system. Car was idling well for a bit - no notable issues. I was out of the car and the idle dropped, motor started to struggle a bit. PCLink showed CLL Correction was adding 20% (max clamp). Nothing had changed prior to this happening; I wasn't even touching the car. My correction up to that point, with some minor initial fuel table adjustments, had the correction +/- 5% (ish). The lean spike happens right around 13:27 in the attached log. I thought I might have just run low on fuel, but my fuel pressure looks pretty stable thorough out. Eventually, it did even out. Could it have been a misfire? Motor didn't struggle as bad as I think it would have with a random multicylinder misfire. The tune is very rough - basically just a startup/idle map, but I would like to try and figure out why this happened. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Google Drive - Tune and Log
  10. PhoSho

    PS150 Variohm Sensor

    Thank you, Adam!
  11. Howdy All, What is the correct calibration for the Link (Variohm) PS150 Fuel Pressure sensor in the G5 software (running a WRX104X)? I don't see a specific option for this sensor, unless I am just missing it. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
  12. PhoSho

    No Clue.....

    I am working through some idle irregularities my 04 2.5L and have gotten them mostly ironed out at this point. I am by no means an expert, but there are a few things I noticed in your tune that stood out. Your E-throttle is in setup mode - you should change this to 'On' after calibration. Your Trigger 1 error count is 104, so something is going on there. Your arming thresholds look at little off in the 500-1000 range. I run single AVCS and mine are 0.5 & 1.2 @ 500 & 1000 (yours are 0.8 & 0.8). You don't have any trigger offset - did you set base timing? You are in modelled mode and your IAT is reading -40oC. Seems way too cold for San Fran. Probably the first thing that is going to happen when a one of the Link gurus sees your post is that they are going to ask for a log of start-up and idle and probably a trigger scope for the trigger errors - you should grab those and add them to your post.
  13. PhoSho

    WRX104X Idle Issues

    Update Time: The idle control changes you recommended fixed my idle issue. I now sit at a steady 850 at operating temp. Idle return is smooth after throttle blips. The cam sync issue on Bank 1 was corrected with the cam sync calibration. Both cams track correctly now. I had to adjust the base MAP delta lockout for CLL of 10kPa/100ms to 20kPa to get into CLL operation at idle. I don't have any MAP filtering active, but I don't see why I would need it either. Car is mostly stock right now. Any ideas on what could be causing the MAP reading to oscillate so much at idle? I am running the factory MAP sensor, factory turbo inlet, factory intercooler. I am pretty sure I don't have any boost/vacuum leaks. I can post a log of the idle tomorrow once I get back to the car, but figured I could ask first in case it is an easy answer. Thanks for all the help so far!
  14. PhoSho

    WRX104X Idle Issues

    I think I have figured out my TPS confusion. I was worried that with the TPS sitting at >0.5% that it would lockout idle control, which obviously doesn't make sense given that idle control inherently requires TPS control (outside of idle ignition control). The help file explained that the APS/TPS lockout will only look at APS when the idle actuator is set to E-Throttle. I should have looked there first.
  15. PhoSho

    WRX104X Idle Issues

    Thanks Adam. I will make these changes tomorrow and report back. My TPS sits at ~6.5% with key on, engine off. Is that normal? Update: I compared the V10 map in the G5 folder and none of the differences you highlighted are present (they match what is in my current map). I made the changes to the Idle Control, but I can't see the Enrichment changes. Can you send me the new V10 version?
  16. PhoSho

    WRX104X Idle Issues

    Howdy Link Gurus, Background Info: 2004 USDM Forester XT (EJ25, 5MT, COP, DBW, VF39 Turbo), WRX104X, Link Can Lambda, Pump 93. This is my first standalone, so please forgive my noobishness. I am probably missing something obvious or I have just done something stupid - likely both. Got through my initial startup today. Car ran really well while warming up. However, once my ECT hit ~83oC, the idle started surging up and down a few hundred RPMs, cyclically. I am thinking that idle control is not activating due to the APS/TPS lockout of 1%. I attempted calibrating the TPS several times (before and after the initial startup), but it always seems to sit around 3%-6%. I can see the TPS @ 0% briefly during calibration, but once I am out of setup it always reads open a few percent - any ideas on this? My map is just the WRX V10 basemap with calibrations run for MAP and TPS/APS. Also, I noticed that my Bank 2 Cam Advance seems to be locked at ~22o. I wanted to see if anyone has any ideas on this before I tear into the timing belt to check the marks. I should also note that the car ran well on the factory ECU just prior to the G4X swap. I haven't made any other changes since then with the exception of the G4X and Can Lambda. I would greatly appreciate any help and insight. Log and Tune: Surging starts around 3:40. Startup.llgxInitial Startup.pclx
  17. That is exactly what I wanted to hear . Your expertise is always appreciated!
  18. Howdy Team Link, As the title says I have a WRX104X that I am installing a CAN Lambda module onto. I have the CAN connector at the ECU w/ flying leads for power/ground. I am also running the CAN extension cable. My question is: Does the power/ground flying leads at the ECU connector supply power to the Lambda controller sufficiently for the O2 heater to function (I read this is 8 amps in the manual) or do I need to run external power to the controller that is separate from these leads? I have an ignition-switched (relayed and fused) power supply on the ECU-side leads, but those wires appear to be relatively small and I am not sure if they can support the specified 8 amps or not. Ideally, I would like to use the power at the ECU connector (and through the extension cable) to supply the controller/heater to keep my wiring tidy, but I am just not sure if that is viable or not. I am also not sure what AWG is used in the extension cable since it is fully sealed. I appreciate any and all help. Thanks!
  19. If the WRX104 is specific to the V10, is the V10 base map already loaded onto the ecu? Do I need to load the V10 from the base map directory at all? (All I have done so far is physical install, firmware update, and verification of pre-crank fuel pump operation).
  20. Ok, that makes way more sense. I saw in the details for the ECU V10 stated and listed as being for 04-06 STIs, but I didn't realize that it referred to the car - just figured it was the ECU. I have owned a lot of STIs, but have never caught up with the version numbers. Thank you for the help!
  21. Hello All, I have a freshly installed WRX104X in a 2004 USDM STI. The base configuration files in PClink list the STIs by version. I have heard the 2004s called both a Version 8 and a Version 9. Which one should I be using? It seems like it already has some type of base configuration on it, but the manual specifically tells you to load a config from the list so I just want to make sure I start off on the right foot. I appreciate any help.
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