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Tim D

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Posts posted by Tim D

  1. Thank you, much appreicated.  I installed the latest PCLink and updated the firmware as you suggested.
    I did experience some strange behaviour though:

    A while back, I set Lambda Mode OFF  to do some refinements to fuel table
    Once complete, I set Lambda Mode Auto Mode (Wide Band) and the following tables were missing:
     CLL Pos Trim
     CLL Neg Trim
     CLL Update rate
    I found that by setting FTrim Tables to OFF, then back to 3D Table again, the missing tables re-appeared.

    Not sure if this is expected behaviour but it confused me.


  2. I found that my CLL trim tables were missing after the last software update.

    I noticed a reported bug on the forum.

    On the downloads page I see:
    Ver: (Released: 10th November 2020) – View release notes

    The release notes say:
    PCLink version | DLL version 3659 | G4+ Firmware Version

    The choice of languages was...

    English/日本語    English/Español    English/中文

    I chose the first option, is it a typo that it says English/日本語?
    The file that downloaded was: 
    PCLink G4+ EN-JP V5.6.8.3669 Setup.exe

    How do I get Ver: to hopefully resolve the issue?

    Please can you help?

  3. I've lived with a weird idle control situation for some time and decided to capture a log to see what's happening. 

    When driving 'normally' and coming to a standstill, occasionally the engine speed will suddenly jump up a little.  It's no big deal, I'd just like to resolve it.  

    It appears that despite AP being at zero, the TP jumps up for some reason.

    See screenshot, tune and datalog below:









    Any help would be appreciated?

  4. There's lots of ways of achieving what you want and I am happy to share my approach which works well.  I stream 56 bytes (7 frames) from ECU to dash, then broadcast this data over bluetooth (if laptop is running, the data is logged).

    I'm guessing you don't have other CAN devices on the same CAN bus as your dash?  In this case, the concept of priorities is not that relevant (there won't be any other CAN traffic to contend with).

    In my MBED dash, I stream 7 frames all on the same CAN ID of 1300 (arbitrary ID).  These byes are streamed 'end to end' (as observed on oscilloscope), leaving a lot of time after the last frame to do my processing.

    All that's required is to write your arduino firmware to recognise the stream.

    My dash also broadcasts the data wirelessly to my laptop, giving error free datalogging (I chose to stream this at 10 Hz).

    You are welcome to look at my CAN setup:

  5. Hi, I made a simple dash using an MBED, so there's a lot of similarities I guess?
    I ended up getting a Picoscope to look at the CAN signals, great for debugging as it decodes the CAN data.

    Possible ideas you could look at... 

    Can you receive and process the CAN data at 50 Hz?  Maybe start at a lower rate ?

    Have you set the CAN ID in your code to match the Link ID of 1000?

    For some reason, I found that a CAN speed of 1 Mbps worked best (maybe an MBED timing thing!).

    During debugging, CAN data such as Gear postion could be useful as you already know what the result should be and it's static.

     Not sure if any of this helps :-) 



  6. Thanks very much for the detailed response.

    1. Your assumption was correct, I was learning the track.  Good point about the wastegate DC table, I had previously spent a lot of time tuning it, but more recently, had to adjust the WG actuator as I think the spring had relaxed over time.  My original method of tuning WG table was to set the AP/TP table to limit TP to 70%, 80%, 90% etc to precisely target the relevant rows in WG table (does that make sense?)

    2. I will review WG table as you suggest.

    All your other suggestions make great sense - I will do some more tuning.....

    Thank you

  7. Thanks Adam, here’s a tune and log that works well on the road…

    788.pclr  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1pjCW7otZjlRO3j8JqtsJj-2yhvleHtnw

    788 (On Road).llg https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zBqW645IBygLo8KAn92o901FGIpFjJYn


    But not so good on the track…

    788 (Brands Hatch).llg  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LQvNR99bBTaqN-AVhe5ytYShSjByVNMp


    A few major tweaks to bring it (sort of) under control…

    793.pclr  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1e86d4wXrepp3DSImjCoY2RQhGgPd0zeO

    793.llg   https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WyUPMAdXe0I20CgvfD8J26by-ut3XzDE

    Note, if you search for the Percentage FCut (%) this is where boost exceeded my engine protection limit.


    Comments welcome (any part of the tune)… I think fuelling is good, but have limited experience on what’s good and what’s bad!



  8. Please could someone comment on my closed loop boost control dilemma on my Subaru Impreza STI with GTX3076r turbo.

    I have tuned the various parameters including PID setting to give excellent control, the MAP and Target boost agree to around 5 kpa and remain extremely stable.  This is all carried out on the road and pretty repeatable!  A dyno session gave similarly good results.

    However, during a track day, after only a few laps, the boost control requires attention to prevent overboost and oscillation.  

    Has anyone else experienced this and what approach should I take to achieve a setup that's good for both road and track?
    Note, I can't upload attachments, but I'm thinking it's a fairly generic query?

  9. Interesting to hear that a few others have experienced the same problem.

    I will email tech support as Adam suggests.

    To add to my previous findings, I believe logging always works properly (rather than it failing to log for a period of time, which could easily be assumed), it merely gets erased.

    Brad, you are spot on with your assumption. To elaborate, I've configured CAN2 to stream 'Log Memory Use' and configured my Dash to  'flash at me' if 'Log Memory Use' < 5%.

    I designed the dash myself so have complete freedom to configure it as I wish, but I suspect the ECU could be configured with some conditional logic (I've never tried this) such that any dash could display the info?

    I was going to attach my .pclr but get the following message:

    You are only allowed to upload 81.92kB

    Can someone at Link help resolve this please?

  10. Yes I believe there's a bug too.

    I have a custom dash that I've configured to flash at me when Log Memory use is < 5%.  Therefore, when the memory becomes erased, it flashes at me and I know the instant it's become erased.

    It must have happened to me over 20 times (in 2 years) and every time, it's when starting engine, as confirmed by the subsequent internal log file always starts with ECT showing 'cold'. 

    Should it have become erased right at the end of the previous engine running time (not during starting as I suspect), the ECT would have shown 'hot'.

    I don't have a log file to hand, however, the resulting new logs have always looks completely normal.

    The only part I'm not 100% sure about is, whether the erasing takes place during Key-On or Cranking.

    Hope that all makes sense!?

  11. Hi,

    I think it's working, as seen by the ignition trim, but it looks like the ECT is stuck at -30C for some reason.

    I tried uploading a screenshot but it was rejected for being over 81 kB

    You could try letting car overrun for longer, above 1800 rpm.

    Hope that helps.


  12. 45 minutes ago, cj.surr said:


    It looks like the wastegate duty cycle table needs tweaking first, it doesn't look very tuned?.  The I-term is having to do a lot of correction to maintain steady boost.  Once it's tuned, the PID terms will have less work to do and it should make tuning a lot easier...


  13. Thanks all for your help guys!

    It turned out to be fuse number 11 in a fusebox I didn't know existed!  Hidden away behind the immobiliser keypad, which you have to pull off it's hinges to reveal the fuses.

    Apparently this fuse feeds Engine ignition system and SRS airbag.  It pretty much immobilsed the whole car!

    Not sure why it blew, perhaps I have an underlying fault that will come back to bite me!

    Thanks too to https://shopbhp.com/ - great tech support as always

  14. Hello Link and anyone that can help...

    I installed a brand new G4+, model WRX107+ to my Subaru one month ago (S/N 2655).

    It initially worked fine, although the log file has self-erased twice, a problem that my previous ECU (WRX107+) had. 

    Today, on turning the key, the engine started to crank and halted after about one revolution.  The battery and starter motor were new a few months ago.  Battery voltage with everything switched off is around 12.7 V and no previous issues.

    I can no longer hear the fuel pump priming with key on.

    I can no longer get my laptop to connect to ECU, previously this was fine.

    PCLink displays "Searching" whereas it previously connected quite quickly.

    Interrogating Windows device manager shows the ECU to be on COM1, so I tried configuring PCLink manually to COM1, but this did not work either.

    I tried all connection baud rates.

    If I interrogate the ECU, it reports "Unable to connect to ECU but USB connection is present. Please cycle power to the ECU".

    Cycling the power made no difference.  I rebooted laptop, this didn't help.

    I tried attaching screenshot but got the message "You are only allowed to upload 501.76kB"

    Please can someone advise?








  15. Hi Warchild,
    Although I'm not familiar with your boost controller, I guess it doesn't run in closed loop mode, otherwise it should make the necessary adjustments to maintain target boost? Does the controller have any configurable settings apart from boost?
    I'd also assume that your factory ECU was running closed loop since you say it maintained boost better?
    You can have 3 boost tables in Link, so that could be an option (unless you really need 6 settings?)
    Re: What will the Link ecu do better by controlling the turbo than the GFB ?
    Taken from the Link help file...
    The main advantage to closed loop control is the boost pressure consistency. With open loop control tables are needed to compensate for changes in environmental conditions. The closed loop system automatically corrects the duty cycle applied to the wastegate solenoid to achieve consistent boost pressures in all conditions.
    The Link closed loop boost control strategy also incorporates open loop correction tables in the closed loop control mode. These are provided to help increase control loop stability.
    The main disadvantage to closed loop boost control is the difficulty to setup. Tuning the control loop requires experience and understanding of how the PID control algorithm operates.

  16. Hi there,

    The Knk I-Trims are corrections to individual cylinders, hence the Ignition Angle remains unchanged. 

    It would be interesting to see your tune too, it looks like cylinders 2, 3 and 4 are not detecting any sound, not sure why?  

    Btw, I found it best to log at 100 Hz to capture these knock events otherwise you can miss them.




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