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60-2 trigger sync issue

Guest |308|

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I have an Audi S2 with dual crankshaft triggers - original 135 teeth trigger and added on 60-2 trigger.

The car starts on both triggers, however, on the 60-2 trigger it only starts if synchronization via trigger 2 (hall sensor on cam) is switched off.

If Cam pulse is set it does not start on 60-2, however, it works on 135.

What could be the problem?

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I assume there is a cam sync wired on the engine?

There is a hall sensor on the cam.

It works with 135 teeth trigger and sync on cam pulse.

Switch it to 60-2 trigger (and sensor), sync on cam pulse, it does not start at all.

Remove sync on cam pulse and the engine starts perfectly on 60-2, if it is in the "right" phase. So it starts half the time, and half the time doesn't.

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Here are the steps we did:

On the 135 tooth trigger the offset was calibrated, and cam pulse sync was used. The car ran fine.

We switched to 60-2 trigger, calculated the offset. Started it without phasing (so it starts half the time). Then calibrated the offset using a strobe light, so the timing was correct. The car runs perfectly fine like this, the timing is spot on etc.

Now we enabled the cam pulse sync (so the ecu would know which phase the engine is in, so it can start correctly every time) and the engine does not start anymore. Changing the offset etc does not help.

Turning off the cam pulse sync, the engine starts one of two times (if it is in the "right" phase).

Btw, you could mash your caps lock less, not everyone is a native english speaker. Thanks.

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I am also from Europe ;)

So, do you have spark with hall sensor enabled?

If you do, then you need to synchronyze again. That is all.

That is why I asked you EXACTLY. Not just to enable, you need to do it again.

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Phase was 360 degrees out (-97 vs 263)

Works fine now.

We set it to syncronise off of crank pulse.

I assume this means that the sync will be off of the missing 2 teeth on the 60-2 trigger then?

It works fine either way (cam pulse and crank pulse).

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