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Oil pressure switch signal sent to AIM MXS and AIM button mapswitch


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is it possible to send the oil pressure switch (wired in via extension harness) to the aim dash to use it for theoil pressure warning led?

ANd is it possible to use the AIM dash buttons as a mapswitch (maybe view 1 = map 1; view 2 map 2 etc)?

I'm not yet fit with custom can settings unfortunately.


Many thanks in advance!


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If it is an oil pressure switch rather than pressure sensor then both ECU and dash will need custom CAN but it can be done.  If it is a pressure sensor then it is already sent in the default set-up.  If you attach your ecu and dash configs I can set it up.

I dont see any way in the current dash firmware to use the built-in buttons on the side of the dash to control anything in the ecu.  If you had hardwired switches wired to the inputs at the back of the dash then it could be done.  

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It's an oil pressure switch, yes.

Hardwired switches to the dash would also be good as I ran out of inputs on the extension loom. How to set these up?

Attached the map and dash config.

Many thanks!

Subaru WRX V1-2 G4X Xtreme Plugin_Wasser-LLK_3zoll-tb_Link-CANLambda_Link-3Bar-Map_AIM-MXS-Strada_v2.pclx


MXS 1.2 Strada.zconfig

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Sorry, I only just had a spare minute to take a look.  That file you have attached isnt the dash config - it should have a .zconfig extension.  Go to the config page is RS3, put a tick in the checkbox for your config, then click the export button at the top.

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Configs attached with oil pressure switch added.  You will need to fix some of the alarms and displays in your dash config as some of the channel names have changed.  

I have also set up the "Map switch" and Launch Control" switches that are connected to the dash to be transmitted to the ECU.  Map switch will be received into the ECU as "CAN DIG #1", Launch will be CAN DIG #2.

Alex182.zconfig SubaruWRXV1-2G4XXtremePlugin_Wasser-LLK_3zoll-tb_Link-CANLambda_Link-3Bar-Map_AIM-MXS-Strada_v3.pclx

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Thanks Adam.

Lambda is off by one decimal (showing 0.1 lambda instead of 1.0 now on the dash)

And Oil pressure switch status is either active or inactive within the ecu. In RS3 I can only use numbers fpr lights and alarms when choosing that switch. 0 and 1 doesn't work, I've tested it.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance!

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