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Modify Dead time Table axis.


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After changing car to ID1000's im working on the dead time table values. The values I have are from 6 to 15v, The table goes from 7 to 22 volts.... I've also found screenshots of the Table values on a link being from 6 to 15v.. So there should be a way to change the values.. But do you think I can find it? ( Edit axis isn't working for that table..)

Secondly, Is there a way to stop the software deleting table and axis values when you disable/enable features? (More annoying than anything else...)

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If you set the Deadtime Table to be 3D (in the injector setup menu) the axes will be fully configurable, alternatively for all values above 15V just use the 15V value, you shouldn't be operating in this range anyway.

There are a number of generic tables that are shared across a variety of functions as it is impractical space wise to have dedicated tables for all of these features. Some functions have disable options that leave the tables allocated so that they are not lost when you re-enable that function. Were there any specific functions you have this issue with?

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That message shows up because you are changing from the hardcoded 2D table to a general purpose 3d table which may have previously been setup for a completely different function. It has previously been requested that when moving from a 2d hardcoded to a 3d GP table that we copy the contents of the 2d table across and it is on the list of things to do.


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