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Peak and hold


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Why not? Is this a soon to be added addition? This seems like quite a downgrade. 

Also I just put a Vl link g4x in a car with low impedance injectors as the Vl comes with them from factory and the old plugins were capable. Is this still the case? 

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You asked about the Fury so my comment was related to that.  The VL plug-in uses the same adapter board as the G4+ plug-in which has always had P&H drivers separate from the ecu, on the adapter board (not software adjustable).

The reason P&H was removed from the wire-in ECU's was mostly related to circuit board real estate due to using the existing case and heat sink design.  I believe before making that decision we surveyed all the maps that we had received from customers over the last few years and only a very small percentage had P&H enabled.  So it was going to be a large extra cost to include it for relatively few users benefit.  The Thunder replacement will get P&H but that is a long way off still.    P&H is not planned for any of the current G4X wire-in ecus as far as I know.


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Hi Adam I am glad the Vl link has retained the peak and hold. It is disappointing to lose peak and hold functionality on the wire in Ecus particularly the high end versions like fury and extreme, especially with 2400 Siemens being arguably the best injectors on the market. 

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