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No spark while cranking


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Currently having an issue with a Honda F22 not driving the coils while cranking. Engine is from a later S2000 so trigger setting is K20 and set up as per help info. Not getting any trigger sync faults and showing active readings, also showing engine speed ok. The ignition is showing active while cranking. Good voltage and ground across coil. Have used scope and not getting trigger signal to coils. When using ignition test all coils fire perfectly, and have scoped while in test to compare. Injectors are all firing correctly when fuel is turned on proving triggers correct. Have been over dwell etc.

Most frustrating then is I quickly got it running a couple weeks ago, set base timing and fired it up. It was really rich so the next day when I went to start it to get it right and it didn't run I assumed it was just flooded. Now I've had time to clear it and look further in I see its not that simple.

Any help would be appreciated,


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Thanks for reply. I managed to capture 2 cam references in the trigger scope to make I could count 2 clean crank rotations and is synced ok. I hope the log of cranking is ok. Excuse the map, its all pretty crude and rushed so far. I started pulling fuel as I initially thought it was maybe over fueling and flooding before I realized there was no spark at all. Seems to have good triggers. Hope this shows something (and not something stupid I've missed)


No spark crank.pclx EscortTriggerScopeGood.llgx Escort cranking log.llgx

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Thanks guys. I knew fuel was off, was to stop it from flooding while cranking. But dead right with rpm cut, forgotten I'd turned it on. That's the trouble with having to walk away from a job for a few days. Turned it off first thing this morning and it's away happy.

Thanks again help

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