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Idle Ac fuel trim not working after throttle off


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I can see the effect you are claiming in your log but cant see a reason for it.  When I test on the bench the trim always seems to re-activate correctly after the blip has finished.  Does it do it for you every time you blip the throttle beyond 45% or does it only happen sometimes?

Using the virtual aux for AC clutch is a little odd but it seems to work correctly when I test.  

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Does it do it for you every time you blip the throttle beyond 45% or does it only happen sometimes?

Yes!  Randomly 


Maybe idle rpm lockout too high,?  Now is 600rpm 


*4age 20v running, itb,  290/284camshaft 

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Even though this trim is in the "idle load trims" menu, if you read the help file it says it is actually active all the time the AC clutch is engaged, so your idle conditions shouldnt matter.  My feeling is since there is some randomness there is possibly a bug related to the use of the virtual aux for the AC function.

As a test can you turn of Virtual aux 1 and try aux 3 assigned directly to AC clutch to see if it is more reliable when set up that way.



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7 hours ago, Adamw said:

Even though this trim is in the "idle load trims" menu, if you read the help file it says it is actually active all the time the AC clutch is engaged, so your idle conditions shouldnt matter.  My feeling is since there is some randomness there is possibly a bug related to the use of the virtual aux for the AC function.

As a test can you turn of Virtual aux 1 and try aux 3 assigned directly to AC clutch to see if it is more reliable when set up that way.



Try already,  same

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I thing is bug,  just try many setting,i find it. 

Turn off this 2 setting, 

if set the ac clutch control  :

1.  If i set 2s delay, push ac button on off in 2s,  ac fuel not active

2. It set tp off 45%, after tp over 45% , not active too

Aready set aux 3 to "Ac Clutch" funtion


G4+ Atom   

FW VER:V5.6.8.3671




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Can you give me a log of it the fuel trim not working correctly with the the aux output doing the AC clutch function directly.  I can then report it as a bug to see if we can get it fixed in a future update.

For now you may have to use a 4D fuel table to acheive your AC trim.

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On 5/17/2021 at 9:34 AM, Adamw said:

Can you give me a log of it the fuel trim not working correctly with the the aux output doing the AC clutch function directly.  I can then report it as a bug to see if we can get it fixed in a future update.

For now you may have to use a 4D fuel table to acheive your AC trim.

thanks for following 

acbuglog.llg acbuglog1.llg Acfuelbug.pclr

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  • 7 months later...

I think im also experience the same issue.

During AC clutch on, no fuel trim added.



its been quite some time i notice this. But since it doest bug the engine much, i ignored it.

By the way, i tried to compensate using 4D fuel but cant have the 'AC clutch status' as the parameter in the axis setup.  it just not listed there.


my map and log attached.



Altezza SXE10 G4+ 30122021.pclr Log 2021-12-30 5;04;27 pm.llg-actrim.llg

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Note your tune is using modeled mode so there isnt even a AC fuel trim setting, this is only available and used in traditional mode.

You shouldnt need any trim if the injectors are characterised properly in modeled mode.  However if you wanted to use a 4D fuel table then use Ign 7 to switch it on & off.

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