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Unable to connect to storm x ecu


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Trying to connect to my link storm x ecu however, I have been unable to connect to the ecu. I have a yellow hazard triangle in the device manager and I have tried to automatically update the drives from the device manager but it fails to update drivers. I have manually gone into the link drivers folder and it still fails to update the drivers. 

I have tried manually setting the ecu connection with the baud rate and connection port as detailed on other posts but still no luck. 

The ecu was mapped by a company but due to a fuel pump dying I am going to make some adjustments to get it running better with the new pump however, I just can't connect. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Thanks kindly


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Ok, thats an odd one that I havent struck before.  Does your windows account have administrator privileges on that laptop?

Can you try going to the C:\Link G4X\PCLink G4X\Link USB Drivers folder on your PC and right click on the "linkUSBDrivers_X**.exe" and choose run as administrator.  Use the X64.exe if you if you have 64bit windows or use X86.exe for 32bit windows. 


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