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I have stoich\14.7 on idle when VE is 7-8 % , however Actual inj pw is 1.5-1.6ms, at warm Engine.

Equation Mode is Modelled. i copied all the features(min pw\dead time table\ short pw adder) of the injectors from the Injector dynamics website.There are 3 one for id1050x and almost same features , I tried all. My Injectors are id1050x. I checked all at flow bench. Flow is ok

I calibrated my Map . It is Omni 4bar. When Engine off it shows the same with Bap. On idle 40 kpa

Fuel pressure is correct as well as in Base Fuel pressure table. i have 2 mech.pressure gauges, one of them on the Fpr and oder one on Fp temporal , to can chek visually. Both shows the same pressure at engine off and on too. Fpr is external . Fuel ramp is aftermarket.

i've been trying to fix it for a long time. Already i have no idea, please help me. 

i copied all the features of the injectors from the Injector dynamics page


Fuel Main.jpg

Injector Main.jpg

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3 hours ago, Adamw said:

Fuel density should be 0.7**, not 0.07**.  Suggested values are in the help file if you click F1 on that setting.  

Thank you very much. I was sure it would be some little thing that I was missing. I hope , it will fix my Problem. I can сhek it morning.

 I want to say that I always use help browser and I have already noticed this difference 0.7 and 0.07. But I thought it should be so, because it was so (0.07) from the base map. I have just checked with other laptop that has never been connected to the car and i edited nothing, i have just open base map file, and here in the base map for 2jz Fuel density is so too 0.07**. Maybe that's what confused me

Please also check whether it is the same with your 2jz base map in PClink. This interests me very much


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16 minutes ago, CCWW said:

I have just checked with other laptop that has never been connected to the car and i edited nothing, i have just open base map file, and here in the base map for 2jz Fuel density is so too 0.07**. Maybe that's what confused me

Please also check whether it is the same with your 2jz base map in PClink. This interests me very much

The 2JZ basemap uses traditional fuel equation, there is no fuel density setting in traditional mode.  If you are changing a traditional base map to modeled then of course you will need to enter the correct settings for all the extra information that modeled mode requires.



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