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Driven Up Shift Fuel Trim


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Hi everyone,

Quick question, when using "Gear Shift Control" for flat shifting, I'd like to confirm the meaning behind "Driven Up Shift Fuel Trim"


The way I understand it by the word "Trim" is that this table will introduce a fuel cut?

If I'm correct in that it is cutting fuel on the up shift, is there any way to add fuel during up shift?? 


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A trim is a small adjustment.  Driven upshift fuel trim is a small adjustment to fuel during an upshift.  If you put a value of 10% in that table then 10% extra fuel will be added during a gearshift, if you put -5% in there then 5% of the fuel will be removed during a shift.  

If using ignition cut then adding fuel during the shift can be used to reduce the backfire bang, reducing fuel can result in a crisper torque recovery but generally results in louder bangs.  

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