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Sr20det Cold start problems

Harry buscema

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Just looking for some help with tuning my cold start, engine is forged run on normal 98 fuel (here in nz),

car start fine but rpm starts to fall followed by a large jump in rpm, it will do this on loop until the car drops to low and dies.

I might of messed up the logging as I haven't done this in a while, let me know if you need anything else, 



mains14.pclr startup.llg

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Has it been tuned?  Looks like not enough fuel.  The RPM starts to drop when the post start enrichment fades out, then you blip the throttle so it gets a big dose of accel enrichment which brings it right for a second or two, then RPM drops again as the extra fuel is consumed.  

If it has been tuned and used to idle ok then that would suggest fuel flow has been lost for some reason. 

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10 minutes ago, Adamw said:

Has it been tuned?  Looks like not enough fuel.  The RPM starts to drop when the post start enrichment fades out, then you blip the throttle so it gets a big dose of accel enrichment which brings it right for a second or two, then RPM drops again as the extra fuel is consumed.  

If it has been tuned and used to idle ok then that would suggest fuel flow has been lost for some reason. 

thanks for the replay Adam, are was tuned about 2 years ago out of my ownership, its always had this start up issue from memory

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