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Mimic DTA S80 Can Stream


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I am trying to create my own canbus stream to mimic the DTA S80 stream for some existing devices, I have given it a go but cant get it to work. 

https://www.dtafast.co.uk/download_files/Manuals/S Series Manual.pdf

DTA can bus spec starts at page 224.

I have can enabled @ 1Mbit.

Here is some screenshots of my can settings I have tryed to just get the first stream to work, I think I am probably understanding how the ID section works incorrectly.





can stream.PNG

can mode.PNG

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The first frame with ID 0x2000 would look like below.

The main mistakes:

  1. The "0x" on the front of the DTA ID number means it is in hexadecimal (FYI, some people instead of the 0x append a little h on the end of the number to specify Hex). The ID in Link is specified in decimal.  You can use windows calculator (set to programmers mode) to convert between Hex and Dec.  0x2000 is 8192 in decimal.
  2. You didnt have the start positions and widths correct - it is easiest for a noob to just use the visual thing at the bottom, for example change the engine speed start position and width until the Engine speed is shown sitting nicely spread over Byte 0 & 1 (DTA are calling byte 0&1 "Data 1"). 
  3. You had a frame ID set in Byte 0 (you can see the DDDD in the visual frame).  Frame ID's are only used for compound messages where you send many frames on one ID.  DTA are sending each frame with a unique ID so you dont need (or want) the frame ID.  So frame ID position should be set to none.  




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Ok thanks Adam. I have something coming through making sense now, thanks for that.


I guess the confusion started on the ID, didnt realise it was supposed to be in decimal, and then me trying to fit the (or some of the) ID into the first byte.

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