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Innovate MTX-L wiring help


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Hi i am having some issues wiring my MTX-L into my Vipec mr2 Plugin (st205).

The yellow wire and brown wire are analog 1 and 2.

Now with an mr2, it shows two different pinouts for Oxy sensor.

Aux Inj6 - "Oxy heater"

An Volt 1 - "Oxy signal"

which wire of the MTX-L go to which?

thanks in advance!

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Oxy heater is for controlling a ground to the heater on the factory sensor. In this case you could use it to control the power supply to the MTX so that the MTX only powers up when the engine is running.

You will need to configure it as a GP output.

For the MTX output you will want to connect this to the AN volt 1 input.

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ok, now i have everything hooked up, thank you!

My question is how do i change the calibration table to match that of the MTXL for the output, currently i set it to the Innovate Lc-1 calibration but it reads wonky and definitely inaccurate

I went into CAL Table 1 to try and change it, but i only have outputs, innovate suggests 0V = 7.35 AFR and 5V = 22.39 AFR.

sorry for the stupid questions, but auto tune wasnt working correctly at all because of this.

thanks again Simon

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Hi smelly,

did your MTX-L come with recommended settings for the Analogue volt output it generates.

Does 0.00 volts = 7.35 and 5.00 volts = 22.39 the same as an LC-1 or is the MTX-L different.

Does the AFR reading on the runtime values match what your AFR meter displays.

Also when setting up your Quick tune, make sure you select Analogue volt 5 as your wideband source in the Quicktune setup page and add your MIN and MAX AFR values.



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I'm using the recommended settings from the MTX-L manual. I'm not sure what the LC-1 settings are since I don't have one. Everything works perfect me with the above settings. I haven't used quick tune yet but i'll remember to have it set up correctly when I do. My post was to help turbodude set up his mtx-l, not me asking for help, but thanks anyway!

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