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help needed with logic


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very ashamed but i have to ask as already a week i CAN NOT compose a logic to cripple the car when i leave it for a MOT or to someone else to drive

the idea is if you dont know how to disable it thhen the internal (external) trigger stays ON and then the speed limit IS active (lets say to 30mph)

all of you who use vipec will be very familiar with the logic outputs (real and virtual) i will appreciate any help

i have available two timers, one virtual and 3 real outputs free at the moment. idle switch, active exhaust and brake/headlights/defogger switch are visible for the ECU as well

initial idea was timer 2 runs for 60sec after engine is started and if the brake is depressed in the first 59sec then the vurtual 2 is ON and stays ON until engine stops........... sadly i have the american lazy auto shut-off switch for the lights and if they are on from the stalk , they come ON when engine starts, and OFF when engine stops AND driver door is open. hence this combination gives to the ECU info and it is not good.

the other idea was to set two timers and to monitor their overlapping for 60sec but again require manually to operate switch which i WILL forget

help i ran out of ideas. how set up an output so the speed limit will be ON by default unless you know how to off it

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Sorry, I am a little confused.

Do you want to have ,

1. Auto head light off control

2. Some form of speed limiter (VALET) switch for when you leave your car at a workshop or take it to get tyres changed etc, no one can thrash the engine on you.

I am just a little unclear on exactly what you want.



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i need help to configure VA2

need VA2 to be on after engine start

then need to able to turn VA2 to OFF,but only in the first 60sec after engine start

once VA2 is off, under no circumstances to be able to come on again

Some form of speed limiter (VALET) switch for when you leave your car at a workshop or take it to get tyres changed etc, no one can thrash the engine on you.

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Hi, can you please attach your PCL file so I can set it up for you, but this way I can also look at your set up to create Virtual Aux conditions with how your ecu is configured, limits the need for adding digital input switches etc to activate the VA.



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Hi, can you please attach your PCL file so I can set it up for you, but this way I can also look at your set up to create Virtual Aux conditions with how your ecu is configured, limits the need for adding digital input switches etc to activate the VA.



there is no way i will be able to add another digital input, simply because i can not install a switch on the car, neither i want to drill the dash by any means

it should be able to operate using the existing resources,

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Hi, OK so I have downloaded your file.

Now I need to know what your setups are,

EG DI 4 and 6 are spare, we could use for example the hand brake switch wire as an input to activate VA's etc.

What is DI 10 used for,

Aux 3

VA 1,2 and 3

Timer 1 and 2


Injector drive 8 - GP OUTPUT.

Are the VA 'S 1,2 and 3 settings you are trying to make this work, with timers etc.

I need to know what I can change/alter or delete as required without upsetting any of your other setup,

I need to know what these things are controlling etc to be able to create and test some logics for you on my simulator.

You can PM me if you wish with the details of the above or just post them here.

The more info I have the easier it will be for me to set something up for you.



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Hi, OK so I have downloaded your file.

Now I need to know what your setups are,

EG DI 4 and 6 are spare, we could use for example the hand brake switch wire as an input to activate VA's etc.

What is DI 10 used for,

Aux 3

VA 1,2 and 3

Timer 1 and 2


Injector drive 8 - GP OUTPUT.

Are the VA 'S 1,2 and 3 settings you are trying to make this work, with timers etc.

I need to know what I can change/alter or delete as required without upsetting any of your other setup,

I need to know what these things are controlling etc to be able to create and test some logics for you on my simulator.

You can PM me if you wish with the details of the above or just post them here.

The more info I have the easier it will be for me to set something up for you.




DI 4 and 6 are for driven and undriven wheel sensors for traction (if you can help with that as well?) :)

DI 10 is the factory fitted switch for the active exhaust (on is disabled, closed all time; off is open above 3500rpm or high load or engine off )

aux 3 is factory fitted for calculated load gauge (needs to be PWM)

VA 1 is the logic for active exhaust due to lack of NOT function

VA 2 is the limit switch i am trying to set up

VA 3 is the switch to turn on logging only after in motion

timer 1 and 2 are not in use so they can be engaged in this matter

Inj 8 is control to a relay low/high for the water to air intercooler pumps

at the end we have available: VA 2, timer1, timer2, all engine sensors/switches

if you know better way to setup exhaust logic we can have VA 1, and same for logging we can have VA 3

last night i had an idea to use DI 9 (which is actually idle switch) depressed for more than 20sec, before engine started

can you please advise in separate thread how to set up the traction

thank you in advance

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Hi ssddaa,

this is tricky as you have used the GP limit tables already.

I can make this work, however i need to understand the importance of the 60 second timer.

Do you wish for normal engine operation to be activated when certain conditions are met, eg VA2,with in 60 seconds

If these conditions aren't true then Valet mode is activated.

It would also be a lot easier if another DI was employed, this input does not have to be mounted in the dash.

You also have DI4 set to Speed Limiter, however Speed limiter is setup to be activated by VA 2.

A separate DI would make things far more simple to setup, speed limiter activation would be set to a DI, or VA but the timer becomes the issue.

But to add to the complexity of this, in your above post you state using the TPS being held for 20 seconds before the vehicle will start.

So do you wish for a Valet mode and an Anti theft mode ?????



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Hi ssddaa,

Do you wish for normal engine operation to be activated when certain conditions are met, eg VA2,with in 60 seconds

If these conditions aren't true then Valet mode is activated.


i believe that the era of extra switches was far back in the 80s, hence i do not want it

if DI 4 is set to something it shoud be mistake from the last few attempts the other night

as previously mentioned DI 4 and DI 6 are reserved for driven and undriven wheel sensors

actually i wanted to simplify with the TPS statement, if the car is limited to 30mph by default (vatet mode) the furthest thieves will get is 1 mile no more

so, in such case i will kill two birds with one stone!!!

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That question would be one for the ViPEC engineers, LOGIC BLOCKS are normally only formed with AND,OR.

They are known as AND ,OR GATES.

It is 5:00 am Sunday morning where I live and I am having another session with your request.

I will let you know how I go.



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Hi, I spent many hours on my ENGINESIM and trying different settings with what parameters etc you had left and how you wished to achieve your goal.

I managed to get the speed limiter to work from the VA and timer etc however creating a way to make this work as an on/off, true /false type setup without using a digital input or extra activation eg, VA seems to be impossible.

The only way I can suggest freeing up another VA which controls your exhaust by pass, is to setup the bypass using an integeral wastegate actuator, using a spare aux O/P set as GP PWM to activate a vent solenoid or MAC valve to allow the bypass to be open or closed (0% CLOSED, 100% OPEN) , you have one table spare for this to be achieved.

You have used your extra limiters for fuel and oil pressure limiting from memory.

However the ViPEC engineers maybe able to work something out.




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just to enlighten the engineers and Simon

if you guys can not see a reason then why there is an anti theft DI

please do not try brush under the carpet the lack of NOT, XOR in logic list

the exact reason is that i have left the car in a well known garage for suspension check 3 years ago and when he came back from a road test the Active Aero fault light was ON (system comes on ONLY above 70mph). The bugger does not need to drive with 70 in the city, where the limit is 30, to hear any suspension knock! does he?

as we previously discussed we DO NOT have a spare table because ONLY 12 available and because the lack of TC

i developed few programs in the past, and i can assure you that something inside is telling me, it is 100% possible to be done without DI

so to summarise:

DI 4 and 6 are driven and un-driven wheel, the 'spare' table is 4D ignition correction depending on %slip

only when the software reveals the hidden options (more tables, traction control, etc) then we will have some available

my personal view is that collecting feedback from existing customers, which helps to improve your product, will then require at least to give them reward

reading other posts i was surprised to find that you can not endlessly add features. unfortunately if customers demanding it, the developer should provide it. there is much more than price and service - it is trust. taking a decision to stop firmware updates for V series is turning your friends to foes

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We are continuing to develop, however the Micro on the V series reached its limit forcing us to move on to the i series.

The V series has had four years of free firmware development.

In this case you have reached the limitations of the ECU. We understand the need for a valet mode and there are a number of ways to do this but in your case you will need to compromise.

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as I said earlier - IT IS POSSIBLE

here is the solution Dave:

if you listen (read) carefully, then you will see DI 4 and DI 6 are wheel sensors. last table available is 4D ignition correction, but there isnt available table - it WILL become spare when ECU logging is OFF. hence VA 3 will be available as well.

i know that you said that is still not possible, but you are terribly wrong.

using VA 3 as simple flag and then VA 2 as switch!

so job is done!

if you need a help with TC coding (i believe your developers/coders wasted a lot of the resources and i have couple dusty trophies as program developer/coder) i can give a hand Simon

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Hi ssddaa,

congratulations on solving the problem and coming up with a working solution.

If you read my post at the top of this page , I actually stated that this was not possible"" WITHOUT FREEING UP ANOTHER VA OR USING A DI FOR ACTIVATION.

So your solution has used a 2nd VA (LOGGING) as a flag to trip VA2 to make this work.

I offered a solution for control of the exhaust bypass which was probably unreasonable but was a solution, to free up a 2nd VA.

I am not trying to offend you in any way shape or form.

However i did (listen) read what you have said in your posts.

You stated that VA2 was the one you were trying to setup.

I apologise for the lack of for sight in what you were willing to sacrifice to make this work.

I had no idea that you were willing to compromise the setup of your logging to make this happen.

I know that your DI 4 and 6 were your wheel speed sensors as I asked you earlier about these and you stated that the PCL file supplied was from an earlier stage.

Hence the list you gave me with descriptions of what the AUX,DI,VA's etc actually were.

I changed the DI 's in my file to replicate what you had, to save any confusion.

I spent many hours trying to come up with a solution with the available resources left on your ECU, testing on my simulator.

You obviously have far greater Knowledge than myself with decoding, logic control, programming etc as you have stated .

Once again I apologise for failing to come up for a solution for you, I tried my best.

But at the end of the day you are happy and came up with a solution.

This is all that matters and this is what this forum is about.

However i took your last reply personally to a degree.

Stating that if i had (LISTENED,READ CAREFULLY) and TERRIBLY WRONG as a little offensive.

I once again apologise i just believe these statements are untrue, given the requests and information i was given.

I don't know everything and have never tried to give anyone the perception that i do.

I come on this forum to HELP others as much as i possibly can with my knowledge and my abilities, because i enjoy it.

I do not work for ViPEC i just enjoy helping and believe in the product.

This forum has been my saviour to my boredom for the last 6 months while i have been recovering from a double brain stroke.

My brain is still not functioning correctly yet and i often get confused etc, but i still give it a go.

Remember i am not having a go at you, i just needed to get my point across.

Best wishes



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hi Dave

not offensive but a bit cheeky

did not meant to be mean though

only because the amount of posts i thought you are part of the team and pretty much all of us are mad that traction control is still not in

i hope you will continue to help

kind regards


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