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LinkPlus G3 canbus modification/enable


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My understanding is that there's a hardware modification required before canbus can be utilised with the LinkPlus G3 i'm running, is that correct? And if so, what's involved/what can I check to see if it's been done

It's been upgraded to the g4 firmware, so I think I'm covered there

Would also like to know if the Link or Spartan 3 can wideband is compatible here


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30 minutes ago, Adamw said:

I will send you a PM with some info to confirm the CAN mod.  

The G4 ecu cant use a CAN lambda device, only analog wideband controllers.  

Thanks for that Adam, although that's a shame as I was after CAN primarily for a wideband controller - analog it is!

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  • 1 year later...
Am 15.2.2023 um 22:49 Uhr sagte Adamw:

Ich werde Ihnen eine PM mit einigen Informationen senden, um den CAN-Mod zu bestätigen.

Das G4 ECU kann kein CAN-Lambda-Gerät verwenden, sondern nur analoge Breitband-Controller.

Hello Adam,

can you please send me these instructions too? I also have this problem that my (Protune) display shows nothing.
(Linkplus Ecu G3 with G4 Update 4 connector)

Thank you

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