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Link Keypad Log On Button Press


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Hi folks- looking for some help on the following. 

I'm hoping to setup my link keypad to ( on button press ) begin or stop logging. My configuration is as below. I'm working under the assumption that " Log marker " begins logging as well as marks a point in the logs to highlight. If this is not the case, I think that's okay. I could work with having a marker start and end but I would have some questions about the internal logging. I could have it set to turn on above a certain RPM.. which makes sense. But say I'd like to log a lap.. or a series of laps/session nd then once internal storage has filled, delete what haven't downloaded. Is this function possible?

Additionally, while we're on the page of logging. I have my start button setup with the keypad as well. It triggers the starter. 

Is it possible to also set it up such that I could latch and have a second press also kill the engine? Could someone help me through that?

Thank you very much!


Unfortunately hitting the file limit trying to attach the screenies. You can find them at the below link. Thank you!


EDIT: One final question...

My AiM dash is on CAN 1 with this keypad. Is it possible to cycle the menus with a Keypad button? I believe I've seen this function on some cars and was hoping I could have it as well.

Thank you!

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Logging button like below.  You could use a table button instead if you want a different colour LED for logging/not logging/logging full etc:



Start/Stop control like below.  I used a table button so the LED colour can indicate different statuses.  Green = ok to start.  White = cranking.  Blue = running/on.  Flashing red = starter locked out. 



The dash will need a custom CAN stream set up to send a keypad button.  Attach your ecu and dash configs and tell me which button you want to use and I can set it up. 

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You're a legend.. We send quite a lot over CAN now and the gentelman that set it up has concerns that more would be a problem ( but we could drop some unused things in the stream that sends to the dash??? What do you think? If it's okay would you possibly mind sending over The "gearbox clutch temp" as well ( CAN AN 3) ?? Would love to have some dash alerts for this.

As you can see we send basically everything for the shifting over CAN.

For the Menu button i would love if I could use button 6 ( top row all the way to the right  of the 12 button keypad ) 

I added in the logging bit ( thank you , although I can't say I understood how to do a table button for the different states of logging. )

I have not setup the starter control yet - I'll save this for when I'm at the car this weekend. Last thing I'd want is to misconfigure something and the car wants to start as soon as I provide power or something lol.

But I will note this in and configure it!

Cal file and dash config posted here. Not sure how I'm going over the file upload limit so easily.. ha


Thank you again. Immensely.



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On 4/8/2023 at 5:02 PM, DO1023 said:

We send quite a lot over CAN now and the gentelman that set it up has concerns that more would be a problem

You are probably using about 10% of the bus capacity.  

However, user streams 1 -4 with the exception of one APS signal are sending the same channels that are already being sent in the MSX stream  So you could get rid of 4 streams if you wanted to.   

I have added the keypad button and differential fuel press to the dash, clutch temp was already on the bus so ecu doesnt need to transmit that.  


On 4/8/2023 at 5:02 PM, DO1023 said:

although I can't say I understood how to do a table button for the different states of logging.

You can use the test calculator to view the logging status runtime enumerations.  So you would assign say a green LED to status 1, for logging, and a red to status 2 and 3 for not logging. 


LINK_DO1023_@20230409_082155_007199.xc1 DO1023 V2.zconfig edit1 V2.pclx

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