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Hoping someone has encountered there. I called link but they told me to reach out to GaugeART. I have emailed them but have not heard back. 

My can gauge has been working for a few months now. I wanted to change the view, but no longer can get wifi to work. I have tried all the trouble shooting guides, but still no luck. Used different phones, laptops, and left it disconnected or a few days. Still cannot get the wifi to broadcast, and there isnt a lot to it. 

Has anyone had this issue?

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There was another user on here a little while ago that found it wouldnt connect to a specific phone.  Have you got another phone or tablet you can try?  Does the SSID show up on the phone but you just cant connect, or do you not see an SSID at all?

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Hey @Adamw

The wifi module was bad. They replaced it and its working fine now. 


Could you please also help me set up a gauge? My ethanol sensor is reading 0, but in my PCLINK its fine. Id like to see that and my rotary switch. I have tried to do the extended channels, but nothing changes after storing, and even going in the gauge art app. Please lmk if this is something you can help with. 

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Your user stream 1 is set up wrong - ethanol% should only be 8bits wide.  

However, I suggest instead of fixing that, just change your channel 2 to "Link CAN Gauge Extra" with ID 49, then you will get all the new channels


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@Adamw here you go. I was messing with the settings. Please let me know what you change incase I need to edit it., Thanks for all your help man.


Okay I will try that. Is there anything else I need to do on the gauge side for it to reflect? Will I need to add a page or ?


Sorry for all the questions. Thnks


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  • 2 weeks later...

I got it to work some how. Not sure what I did, but I added parameters to stream one which was ethanol and boost target.


Then saved and loaded it to the ecu. Then created a new page and now the ethanol works and boost target. 

Just curious if that is what you were explaining! Hope this helps someone else 

I thank you for your constant help! 

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4 hours ago, truekid said:

Not sure what I did, but I added parameters to stream one which was ethanol and boost target.

You should not even have a stream 1 turned on as I showed in my picture above.  

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