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Gearshift with paddleshift don't shift


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@Adamw I installed a sequential gearbox with pneumatic paddleshift actuation, after performing the usual basic calibrations I began to verify that upshift and downshift with clutch worked.
Unfortunately sometimes (very often), when I'm in neutral, I press the paddle up or down, the gearshift strategy starts but if I look at the command to the actuator it doesn't happen and I do not hear the shift actuator engage. In the gearshift status I can't find anything anomalous.
It's something that happens randomly.
I have a clutch switch as a safety between neutral and 1st and reverse.
I am attaching the log and the calibration, can you understand why sometimes it doesn't work?
In the log it practically never worked except for the last change from neutral to 1st

DONTSHIFT.llgx 2023_Rev01-Paddleshift_TPSFuel.pclx

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It is the mis-shift timeouts set to 0.  This means if the next gear is not reached within 0ms then it is considered a mis-shift and will be aborted or re-tried depending on the retry limit.  Set it to about 150ms for upshift and 300ms for downshift as a starting point. 

The only reason why it may work sometimes is you have an actuator hold of 20ms, so even with a shift that gets aborted right away the actuator will be activated for a short 20ms burst, that may in some cases let just enough air through to make it move.



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@Adamw thanks for the help, yesterday calmly looking at the logs I understood that the error in my configuration was that.

I have another question and it concerns fuel table management.
This car has a very long intake duct because it has a volumetric compressor, a large air/water exchanger mounted between the throttle body and the engine head.
Having already had some setup experience on this car before installing the sequential gearbox with paddleshift, I had noticed that the downshifting blip was very slow with the gear lever because it suffered from a certain lag between throttle opening and engine rev increase at due to the length of the intake duct. The same thing applied to the touch of the accelerator pedal in neutral or in gear, the response always remained slow. In this configuration I used the Map on the Y axis of the fuel table and although I used a lot of acceleration pump, the engine acceleration when the throttle was opened was very slow to respond.
Yesterday I did a couple of no load runs using the TPS (Main) fuel chart as the Y axis and the engine responds much faster.
Since the engine is supercharged, the ECU will take care of multiplying the fuel required based on the Map even if I use TPS (Main) on the fuel table. The fuel equation system is set to modeled multifuel as I also use blended ethanol.



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Im not sure if the question is clear, but yes it is fine and quite common to use an alpha-n fuel table with fuel equation load source = MAP, and it is ok to do multifuel with this strategy at the same time.     

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@Adamw  Sorry, the question is not clear. Yes, I want to use the TPS fuel based map on a supercharged engine because I have a camshaft with a lot of overlap and a very long intake manifold (throttle body > supercharged > intercooler piping > intake manifold > engine).
So the only setting I have to do is the TPS Y Axys on the fuel chart and the ecu takes care of multiplying the fuel by the manifold pressure?
If I need other corrections can I use the 4D fuel map?

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