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G4+ Thunder ecu with AIM 7inch MXG Strada displayed data not the same


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Hi everyone, I hope somebody in this community can help me with the following issues

The ECU is Thunder with the latest firmware update and the Dash is AIM 7 inch MXG 1.2 strada. my problem is

1. The Fuel pressure reading on the Dash is not the same as shown on my PC Link, somehow seems 10x smaller.

2. Are there any pre-configured CAN data stream specifically for Thunder ECU as I would love to see my EGT reading on Dash.

Any help highly appreciated Thanks





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The fuel press scaling was fixed several years ago. On the ecu stream tab in rs3, check you have v2.00.07.  If not, click on change ecu, then just select the same CAN BUS BASE LCC ecu and it will reload the latest

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3 hours ago, Adamw said:

The fuel press scaling was fixed several years ago. On the ecu stream tab in rs3, check you have v2.00.07.  If not, click on change ecu, then just select the same CAN BUS BASE LCC ecu and it will reload the latest

Thanks ADAM, worked like a charm. what about EGT reading from the ECU, possible to configure?

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17 hours ago, Adamw said:

That will need a custom stream added.  If you attach a copy of your tune and dash config I can set it up.  

Thank you Adam for the response. I have actually found some file from earlier post in this community for Thunder ECU, I imported the CAN protocol and play around with it. Manage to get data stream specific to the ECU like EGTs but the reading is NOT displayed as what seen on my PClink. I am not sure if any specific setup on the Data stream is required. Thanks any help is highly appreciated. 

Coolant and Crankcase press no reading.jpg

EGT 1&2 no reading.jpg

Thunder G4+ slowkid.pclr Thunder G4+ slowkid with ICONS.zconfig

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