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Suzuki swift e-throttle


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Take a look at my setup and pc log.

As you can see when the e-throttle is on target at 1.6% suddendly drops at 0% and goes back to 1.6%.

Also the e-throttle isn't stable under some conditions when it goes up to certain rpm.


Here is the pc log:


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I would say you have a hardware issue causing a stiction effect, possibly a damaged gear or some gummy deposit or similar.

In the log around time 0:02 you can see the TP is on target with about -5% duty cycle on the motor, this is normal duty cycle.  Over the next 4 seconds the duty cycle goes more and more negative as the ecu tries to get rid of the last tiny bit of error, but the throttle does not move.  Then all of a sudden at 0:06 with the duty cycle at -45% the throttle snaps shut.  After this the dutycycle goes back to -5% to hold the throttle at the correct position.  

It should not need 45% duty for a tiny movement, so something is causing it to "stick".


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