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Acceptable TP/Target Error?


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Working on getting the DBW PID dialed in and noticed no matter how much I may sway the settings I always end up with 2-5% of TP/Target Error. Now realistically I wouldn't expect to ever bounce the throttle as shown in the log I've posted but occassionally taking my foot off the pedal quickly from full I can hear a slight bounce of the throttle blade and roughly 2-3% of error. Is this to be expected with the motor not running and is it an acceptable amount of error?

Throttle Body in Question is a Bosch 68mm

DBWPid.llg DBWPid.pclr

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It looks like quite an acceptable starting point, you can see on quick movements your motor DC is pegged on the max clamp the whole way open so the ecu is sending full power, it cant physically move any faster and giving it more P isn't going to improve anything.  

The only thing to keep in mind is when the engine is running the battery voltage will be ~2V higher than what you have been testing with so sometimes you have to soften the PID a little later.  Check the 3 error accumulators in the logs after the first drive, if any of them go above a count of about 10 for say more than a second during normal driving then that would indicate it may need a bit more tuning.  Give the motor DC trend an eyeball too, if you see rapid oscillations when the pedal isn't moving then the PID needs taming down.     


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