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CAN Wheel Speed.


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Hey all I need some input on where I should take my wheel speed signal and send it to my CAN wheel speed module. In particular the ECUmaster can wheel speed module. I have a USDM Evo 9. The car has ABS and ACD and I want these to function as normal. As far as what I know the wheel speed sensors are 2 wire and send into the ABS module. From there signal comes out of the abs module and goes to the ACD ECU. What I need to figure out is where to take my wheel speed signal and send it to my CAN device without causing problems with ABS or ACD. Would it be best to take signal from wheel speed sensors before it goes to ABS module? Or as the signal comes out of the ABS module. And is it as simple as splicing and adding a second wire to the existing signal wire that goes to my CAN module or is there some issue that arises by splitting this signal into two paths? Please let me know if anyone has any input on this Thankyou!! 

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Best to connect Link into the canbus system and read the canbus data. You will have to get pretty creative to create with research to create a Can Stream to read the data and do the math.


This is something very basic I started on to read mine, so take it with a grain of salt.

Then you tell link where to read the stream you created. Notethe ID is in decimal and not hex.


The G5X software seems to have some new options in creating a CAN file, but I haven't had a chance to dabble in that yet.

To touch on what you asked though. Generally not a good idea to tap into wheel speed wires, and if its an active sensor its not even possible anyway.

BUT.... some ABS modules do have digital outputs for already processed wheel speeds. Not sure on the Evo though.


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Hello and thanks for the response. I was prepared for this to be a pain in the butt, but figured I would give it a try and see if I can get something to work. I should be able to program the wheel speed to can module as its own unit and then send that info directly to link via CAN so im hoping the "figuring it out" portion is less of a headache than I am expecting but I will find out. Looks like evo 8/9 use 2 pin abs sensors which may make sending the info a little easier but who knows. New educational learning experience coming up. Ill post up if I accomplish something useful. Thanks again!

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3 hours ago, Adamw said:

The Evo doesnt even have CAN bus so the above is irrelevant.  

The manual for your ecumaster device shows how to wire them with ABS still working on page 23. 

Thanks @Adamw for the post. I am aware that the Evo did not have a CAN bus system so I wasn’t too concerned about extreme difficulty. I already have the Link CAN lambda up and running with my link so I figure the addition of CAN wheel speed data shouldn’t be too bad. Can I ask what manual you are looking at that explains how to wire up the device with ABS still working? The product manual on ECUmaster site for the CAN wheel speed module only has 10 pages. And for the ECUmaster USB to CAN interface module it’s only 3 pages long and doesn’t really explain much. Please let me know if I missed something somewhere. Thanks again as always!

@Adamw Nevermind, I found it. I was unaware there was a revision 2.0. I’ll read through it and THANKS!

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