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RPM drop during launch

Speshi Racing

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Finally got to test my Storm Black ECU on the track and collect some data. During my Launch I experience an RPM drop. From the data I can see that my oil pressure is also gradually decreasing.
Mijk Launch RPM is set to 5200
Suzuki GSRX-1000

Is there anyone who has experienced this before and knows in which direction I should look?

Schermopname (1).png

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Can you attach the actual log file and a copy of the tune, a screenshot doesnt give much of a idea of what is set up. 

I would guess it is probably the launch limiter settings are not appropriate, maybe start cut too high with a long decay rate or similar.

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17 hours ago, Adamw said:

Can you attach the actual log file and a copy of the tune, a screenshot doesnt give much of a idea of what is set up. 

I would guess it is probably the launch limiter settings are not appropriate, maybe start cut too high with a long decay rate or similar.

I do have a before and after files. 

- The Santa Pod 9.7 run is the file during the RPM drop, the tune is the  LINK STORM-GSXR1000-STABLE.

I did calibrate the oil and fuel sensor using cal table. After this change I see that the oil ps perform better. But I cant put it in launch because I'm home.

- ECU Calibration PS Sensor Log 2023-10-29 1;29;15 pm

- LINK STORM-GSXR1000-STABLE-NewPS Calibration


ECU Calibration PS Sensor Log 2023-10-29 1;29;15 pm.llg santa pod 9.7 run.llg LINK STORM-GSXR1000-STABLE-NewPS Calibration.pclr LINK STORM-GSXR1000-STABLE.pclr

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