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Did something change with ecu connection?


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Hey all I am on a PnP G4X for my Evo 9. On the latest PClink and firmware versions I believe. Before when I would either key on for auto connect, or either manually connect to ecu, the ecu would connect without any issues. Recently after installing the most recent versions of PClink and firmware it doesn’t connect, it asks for USB and serial number or something. Am I doing something wrong, or is there info I need to plug somewhere so that the ecu just connects without this extra step? Thanks for the info. 

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The new G5 PCLinks support connecting over Wifi and so when you click connect it brings up all available ECUs in a window so that you can select which one you want to connect to. Once you have selected one you can disconnect and reconnect as often as you want while that PCLink is open without having to search again as long as it doesn't fail a connection.

If you don't want to see the search window you can select the COM Port directly in the Connection tab of the options window.

For reference it always used to search for all ECUs but would just try and connect to the first one it found.

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This is my most disliked change in PC Link.

Depending on where I'm sitting in the car, I change USB port, I connect to multiple ECUs, so pre-selecting a COM port won't necessarily help to connect to an ECU.

I kind of understand why it's been added, but maybe Auto mode could be set to check USB first, then pop up the dialog if not found, or have an option to reverse that if the user chooses?

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So is this something that I can change to ho it worked before? Im only trying to connect to one ecu at a time, my own lol. Being able to wifi connect to all ecus and having to select which one sounds like an added opportunity for something to go wrong in the case of someone selecting the wrong ecu or flashing the wrong file to a wrong vehicle. I just wanna be able to connect to my vehicle without the added steps as it was before... How do I do this? Or has that option been surpassed? lol. Thanks for the info guys!

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ALSO, another thing. When I open up G5 and check PcLink Version it says 7.2.3 But the latest download version on the site says 7.2.2  Is this correct or do I have something funky going on? Thanks again.

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7 hours ago, k4nnon said:

So is this something that I can change to ho it worked before

If you set the connection port to your ECU's COM port then it will just connect directly to that.

7 hours ago, k4nnon said:

Being able to wifi connect to all ecus and having to select which one sounds like an added opportunity for something to go wrong in the case of someone selecting the wrong ecu or flashing the wrong file to a wrong vehicle

On the contrary connecting to the first ECU it finds would cause all manner of issues if it was not the one you were intending to connect to.

7 hours ago, k4nnon said:

I just wanna be able to connect to my vehicle without the added steps as it was before... How do I do this?

The only extra step is to double click on your ECU the first time you connect to it after opening PCLink.

6 hours ago, k4nnon said:

ALSO, another thing. When I open up G5 and check PcLink Version it says 7.2.3 But the latest download version on the site says 7.2.2  Is this correct or do I have something funky going on? Thanks again.

just checked and mine is doing the same, we did change some build numbering stuff recently so it most likely hasn't made its way through all the places the build number is stored.

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