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350z G4X fan and lights on


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As you can see from my ID I am a noobie here. 
I have wired my wideband sensor to the CAN1 of my ECU (wideband sensor bought from eculink)
I have also wired my Ethanol fuel content sensor (continental) to the DI8 of my ECU.
Everything seems to be working fine, needs tuning. 

ALTHOUGH, whenever I put the key ON, or start the car, my radiator fan stays ON all the time, same for my lights, they stay ON all the time whenever I put the key ON.
And I lost the RPM info on my meter...
I checked all my fuses, they are all good, I don't know from where the problem can come from, relays maybe? but I don't know how I can check if my relays are working correctly.

Oh yeah About the throttle as well, I feel a latency whenever I put my foot on the throttle, it's never stable even though I've done the calibration...

I attached my log if needed. 

Many thanks in advance.

PC Datalog - 2024-04-25 2;32;38 pm.llgx

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It would be useful to post your current tune.

Just to check - for a good portion of that datalog, were you stabbing the throttle a whole bunch over and over again for about 40 seconds? The throttle position is not following the target very well, the E-throttle PID tuning will likely need touched up.

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Your E-throttle is currently in Setup mode, so it won't fault out due to error accumulation.

Try configuring your E-throttle 1 Feed Forward table, then tweaking the PID values to get the throttle position to track pedal position.

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You'll need to set up your CAN to receive data from the CAN Lambda. Instructions are in the help file.

I see your ethanol % at 54% which makes sense, but your fuel temperature is 200degC which makes less sense.

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Hey Laminar, so after that you told me to try configuring my E-Throttle 1 target and E-Throttle forward feed table, it was running much smoother. but I am still not sure if my 45% of e-throttle forward feed table value is ok to be like this or not, car didn't stall whenever I tried to accelerate, it was much smoother too. 

I couldn't calibrate my AFR for the moment because the car is too much loud for my neighbours.. I'll try to do it tomorrow.
But other than that, seems to be working fine I guess


brand new.pclx

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You'll want to modify that table so that you can input a range of values. You'll hold the throttle steady at, say, 10% and record the duty cycle required to maintain 10%. Repeat for several different throttle positions, paying attention to the crossover point where the throttle has to start applying negative duty cycle to hold position. This is mine, yours will be different but you get the idea:


Read through the "E-Throttle First Time Setup" in the manual, there is a section specifically about the feed forward table.

Getting your lambda value working doesn't require running the car, you have to set up your CAN communication to look for the Link CAN Lambda. It's in the "Device Specific CAN Information" section.

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I would leave the E-throttle feedforward at zero for now, zero works ok for most.  Your oscillation problem looks like too much proportional gain.  Drop that to 5.5 or 6.0 to see if it settles down.

Your ethanol sensor DI needs to be changed to rising active edge. 

All your multifuel settings are wrong, including lambda target 2, fuel properties, injector size, etc.  

IAT fuel trim should be turned off.  

VVT needs to have the cam angle test calibration run.


Do you still have the original problem with the tacho/dash/fans not working?  This suggests the CAN bus is not working.




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12 hours ago, Adamw said:

I would leave the E-throttle feedforward at zero for now, zero works ok for most.  Your oscillation problem looks like too much proportional gain.  Drop that to 5.5 or 6.0 to see if it settles down.

Your ethanol sensor DI needs to be changed to rising active edge. 

All your multifuel settings are wrong, including lambda target 2, fuel properties, injector size, etc.  

IAT fuel trim should be turned off.  

VVT needs to have the cam angle test calibration run.


Do you still have the original problem with the tacho/dash/fans not working?  This suggests the CAN bus is not working.




hey Adam thanks for replying, ok so I left my e-throttle feedforward at zero for now. 
Set my Ethanol sensor DI to rising active edge
IAT fuel trim turned off,
and VVT to the cam angle test calibration run. 
Why are my multifuel settings are wrong? I didn't even touched them. I thought the ECU would be plug and play after installing the necessary info as lambda and ethanol for example.  
I set my injector size to 287cc at 3bar which is OEM..
The size of my log file is too big so here's the google drive link

Oh and by the way the fan turning on by itself and lights on issue is gone, I don't have to worry about this anymore, it's just the tuning takes much more time. 

When I see the fuel table it makes me scared lmao. 
Do you think I can drive with this configuration for now just to take some logs? 
For the moment I am just parked and I don't move the car, just start and give some revs. 

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22 hours ago, noobie_350z said:

Why are my multifuel settings are wrong? I didn't even touched them. I thought the ECU would be plug and play after installing the necessary info as lambda and ethanol for example.  
I set my injector size to 287cc at 3bar which is OEM..

Our base map is set up using traditional fuel equation, you have changed to modelled multifuel, so you will have to set up everything with the correct data for your hardware and fuel properties and tune from scratch. 

All of the settings below are likely wrong.  Injector flow rate for ethanol will be lower than the gasoline flowrate as the viscosity is higher.  There are some generalised suggested values for fuel density, temp coef and stoich ratio in the help file if you dont have values for your specific fuel.  Multifuel bend table specifies how the fuel 1 and fuel 2 properties are blended, usually for flex fuel this would be set up with ethanol content on the axis.  Again the help file has examples.  The lambda target needs to be set to values suitable for the application.

I suggest you start by switching back to modelled mode and just tune on the pure primary fuel first.  Move to multifuel mode once you have the primary tune optimised.  When that time comes, start by reading the help file article:  G4X and G5 ECU Tuning Functions > Fuel Setup > Multi Fuel > Multi Fuel Setup and Tuning Guide




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