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E Throttle config and setup on GTRLINK - Questions?


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Hi All, 

Started to do the config for when I install the bosch DBW Throttle and E Throttle and just wanted to make sure I have everything in the correct order. If anyone knows and can run there eye over it before I go any further 

My Plan was to use:

AUX 3 as the Throttle Signal 1 (as I dont have AC)

AUX 9 as Throttle signal 2 - this im not sure about but I think its a free AUX or do I need to use the XS connector? 

An Volt 3 as TPS main

An Volt 4 as TPS sub

AN Volt 2 as APS Main (on xs loom)

An Volt 8 as APS sub (on xs loom)

I haven't run the throttle setup yet and Ive left all the TPS and APS settings as default assuming I can change these as and when required. 

I could swap the An volt 2 and 8 to something like the AFM on an volt6 & 9 as there not getting used but went for the xs loom for ease? if that makes difference or not 




E throttle setup.pclr

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There is no aux 9 pin available on that ecu, Probably aux 6 or 7 would be the options for sig 2, you could move the FP relay or CE light to one of the auxes on the expansion.

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8 hours ago, Adamw said:

There is no aux 9 pin available on that ecu, Probably aux 6 or 7 would be the options for sig 2, you could move the FP relay or CE light to one of the auxes on the expansion.

Thanks Adam. 

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Posted (edited)

@Adamw could you have a quick look at the settings my using for the e throttle setup please? - when I run the cal and it throws error code 70 ive been through all the wiring and it all seem correct so I can only assume that its something to do with the setup/config ive done. ive tried differnet PID setting that others are using but no joy. also the throttle goes wide open when I go into setup mode its Bosch 82mm throttle and links throttle module. 

One thing I do see is that e throttle signal 2 is always off - i have belled it out up to the module but not sure if thats related or not  



E throttle setup Error 70.pclr

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Hard to tell anything without a log, but it sounds like the motor is wired backwards. Swap the +/- wires on the motor and try again.  If no joy with that then do a log of the TPS cal process. 

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