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Fuel Calculation clamped at its min value


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Working on an JDM EVO8 with ID1050X injectors and AEM FPR

Input all the available data of ID1050X to the calibration and using Modelled Fuel system, car starts fine however the VE at a little high side say 60+. I have to tune down the injector size from 1065 to 1000 or even 950 making the VE number looks normal.

The car is not tuned yet, just tune for idle and some light load area, however the G5 software always prompt a message and said Fuel Calculation clamped at its minimum value, please check all fuel settings..

I have no idea where else shall I check and change with this warning. and I don't find any minimum clamp setting for injectors. Hope someone can give me an idea what shall I do with this.




Mitsubishi EVO8VEID1050XBase.pclx EVO8minclampproblem.llgx

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If you go ECU Controls > Clear ECU Fault Codes, does the message still come back? Do you have a log of the message coming back?

In Fuel > Fuel Setup > Fuel Main there's a setting for Min Effective Pulsewidth of 0.20 ms which is your min clamp. I don't see anywhere in the log it gets down that low.

It's best to keep your injector data matching the actual injector datasheet and adjust your fuelling with the VE table.

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This just means you are hitting the set minimum effective PW.  The effective PW recorded in the log doesnt include the SPWA or any individual cyl trims so the SPWA will be causing you to hit the set 0.2ms.  

Note this is not a warning or error, it is just informational, it is there to make the tuner aware that he wont be able to adjust the fuel mixture any leaner in that particular operating area.  

You can see where it occurs in the log by looking at the "Fuel Calculation" runtime. 

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