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random afr drops @ wot


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I've added a swirlpot and aem400 pump to my Subaru running same base pressure as when with only single 340lph pump. 

I am trying to give a go at adjusting my lambda actual vs target  and have noticed a strange dip during wot for a split second which was not present before. 

wondering if I could get a pointer on what the issue might be.

Please see download link for log and tune


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I dont think those spikes in the first log are tune related, all the metrics that indicate air flow are stable and all the metrics that indicate fuel flow are stable, there are no active fuel trims etc.  When air flow and fuel flow is stable then naturally you would expect air/fuel ratio should also be stable. 

The spikes above about 6500RPM could possibly be explained by your injector duty cycle getting too high, many injectors when you hit about 90%DC will just stay open, so you effectively get 100% flow instead of 90%, but the spike at 5500RPM when your IDC is only ~75% wouldnt fit that scenario.  

I would be most suspicious of the analog lambda input in this case.  

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Hi Adam, could you check the 2nd log, managed to get the afr target Vs actual to track much better. I do have a link can lambda I'm waiting to install but this Bosch 4.9adv sensor and custom controller is just not dying on me!! Thanks 

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I dont see any good clues to suggest the spikes are caused by the tune, so my logic would say leave the tune alone, by adjusting the tune to compensate for some unknown influence you are likely just making the tune further from ideal than it was. 

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Hi Adam, thanks for taking a look, if that aspect seems good I can make some runs at different setpoints like 1.2 bar 1bar .8 bar etc and then smoothen/interpolate the rest of the fueling table for any areas that I've missed?  

If you look at the current 3d fuel table you will see what I mean

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