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Cop Timing Light

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I have converted my legnum vr4 to cop kit. Now my tuner said I should check my timing with a timing light gun and set it correctly for the link ecu.  So far so good. But if I understand correctly, the ignition coils also have a dwell time. Doesn't the timing light change then? 


How do you go about it correctly? I can't just install an ignition cable because I would always have to dismantle the intake manifold for cylinder 1 

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2 minutes ago, Blackbandt said:

So far so good. But if I understand correctly, the ignition coils also have a dwell time. Doesn't the timing light change then?

You will need to set your dwell table to appropriate values for your new coils, the timing light shows when the spark fires which is at the end of the dwell time, a larger dwell time means the coil starts charging earlier and but will still fire at the same time.

If you have gone from waste spark to direct spark then you also need to be aware that there are two possible trigger offsets for the same timing light position on the crank and so if it doesn't start on the angle you find try the same angle plus or minus 360deg.

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Ok, thanks, that helps me a little. I hope my timing light gun works with the cop kit. As soon as it is there I will try it. I hope my tuner knows how to do it


I babe waste spark. Since OEM 3 ignition coils were installed at the front and 3 ignition cables went to the rear. Now I only have an adapter wiring harness in between that I can also drive 3 ignition coils in the back. 


So I didn't wire all 6 ignition coils on the link

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15 hours ago, Blackbandt said:

Ok, thanks, that helps me a little. I hope my timing light gun works with the cop kit. As soon as it is there I will try it. I hope my tuner knows how to do it


Timing light should always be used on an ignition lead between coil and spark plug, when dealing with cop I remove the rubber boot from the coil and fit a lead between it and the coil for the timing light clamp to go around.

If the car was running on the link on a factory waste spark setup previously with no changes to the triggers and you are staying waste but going to 6 coils instead of 3 the timing offset will be the same but the ign delay may change. If you were going to direct spark then the timing would either be the same or offset by 360. That being said it isn't a bad thing to check.

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I have another question. 


I've bought a Equus 3551 timing light gun purchased. Now I have converted to cop kit and have no ignition cable anymore. I had seen some videos that they put the timing light gun on the ignition coils and it then works. Unfortunately, this is not the case for me. For me, the gun only lights up when I put the cables into the receiver. I know that it is better to do it with an ignition cable. But I have the problem that my cylinder 1 is under the intake manifold and I always have to remove it to get to the cylinder. And thus always need new intake manifold seals. I have a waste spark System. 


Now I have the following questions. If I attach the pickup to the cable of the ignition coil and the gun works. Are there deviations from the other cables that lead to the ignition coil such as ground or something? 


And if an ignition cable is really the better option. Could I go to the ignition coil of cylinder 4 because I can simply uninstall it to install an ignition cable. Since cylinders 1 and 4 spark together. 


I only took the picture where the customer can be seen to show what I mean by the cables. For testing I was exactly as attached to cylinder 1 1000322484.thumb.jpg.5f1783ede0c371b0cc68783a84d3ab8f.jpg1000322707.gif.d0c0ca21c2a3af30c7b098d65ef7a612.gif


What options do I have? 


Ps: Yesterday I fixed 10 degrees in the PC link software and looked at the ignition light gun to see what value I was into. It was 15 degrees. I then set minus 5 degrees in the second field and get to 10 degrees. But the question is whether it is right? Or does the ignition gun show a wrong value because I went to the cables and didn't use an ignition cable directly 

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  • Yes you can check timing on 1 or 4. 
  • I would strongly suggest using an HT lead between the coil and plug for the check rather than the primary wires.  Many timing lights will trigger off the wrong side of the dwell if you trigger off the primary wires or by resting the clamp on the top of the coil, so there is always some doubt when tested this way.  
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