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Hi guys! Question about the ignition part.. I have the G3 system and a GM coil with 4-outputs...it has "2 coils" as i can see but it runs for 4-cyl (http://img.alibaba.com/photo/50378545/Ignition_Coil.jpg), i have also the Link dual channel igniter. the connector on coil is marked with 1,2,3,4...can i use this combination, and how should i wire it?..iam thinking of using the signal from the distributors hall sensor. Sorry for stupid questions...hope u can clear my thoughts out. Regards Jonas SWEDEN


You will most likely be able to run those coils.  Tell me more about the engines crank and cam position sensors.  All the wiring diagrams for the igniter and crank angle sensors can be found in the wiring manual or on this web site.  You will have to work out how to wire the coils (careful, they may have a built in igniter!).


There is a 8v single cam engine..the VW G60(PG) 4-cyl compressor engine...runned Turbo´d , i think there is only the hall sensor mounted on the distributor that is connected to the intermediate shaft to the crank...no other sensor meassuring "engine speed". Hope i dont confuse it to much...u might understand what i meen anyway.. :) /Jonas


OK, you will need more than just a distributor speed pulse (one pulse per engine TDC) signal to run wasted spark.  You can run distributed with that setup, but for wasted spark you will need a sync pulse (a pulse to tell when every second crank rotation occurs).


As far as spark goes, 300Hp is not alot.  A lot of distributed engines are OK although it does depend on the distributor design.  Have you considered running a CDI unit like a MDS with the distributor.  Otherwise you may have to modify/make trigger wheels.  You still havn't told me about your crank angle sensor.  How many teeth does it have?  How many sensors? what type is it?  Are the teeth evenly spaced?


OK, with that CAS (distributor sensor) you can only run distributed ignition.  If you fit a 36-1 (we usually recommend 24-1) to the crank you will be able to run wasted spark (distributor less).  If you fit 24 to the crank and just leave one in the distributor you will be able to run wasted spark or direct spark(4 coils).  I would shy away from running a high tooth count in the distributor as there is not enough diameter to put a good trigger wheel in there and also you will get timing scatter from the distributor drive.


You should fit a wheel to the crank with 23 teeth and one gap (24 teeth with one removed).  Then, remove three of the tags from the distributor sensor and use that for a sync pulse.  If you only want to run wasted spark, then put something like a 11 tooth and one gap (12 minus 1 - 12-1) in the distributor.

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