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Hi Ashley, i need to get another balast(?) (i think) for my coil, I have 2 coils but only 1 has the 3uf balast(?). Is it something I can get from jaycar or can I order it from you guys? Also Im thinking of upgrading to direct ignition ala. LS1's for my quad cam v8 apart from the obvious coils and such what else would I need i.e. ignitors, cam angle sensor??? At the moment the Link plus gets TDC signals from a cam sensor will this do? cheers


Hi James

I assume you have a 1UZFE with the twin dizzy currently. For this, one suppressor should be fine as long as both coils are supplied off the same +12V feed. If you really want to do the 8 coil set up you will need the 8 coils and igniters to suit (8 channels) If you go for LS1 coils these have an igniter built in, so that would save on wiring and igniters. The current cam and crank sensors will support 8 coils. Before going to the effort though the gains would be next to nothing in terms of performance.



thanks Simon, the engine is a M119.960 mercedes 5 litre, the reasons for the ignition upgrade is that I cant put a stronger spark through the distributors, they have a tendancy to get eaten up, so i want to do away with them and especially as they cost over 200 each and thats just for caps. The other reason is that I want better response and I need all the room I can get at the front of the engine for intercooler piping. Would you have any idea where I could get the coil packs from an LS1??


Seems the engine is a bit more exotic than a toyota V8.

Best bet for the coils would be to contact NZEFi here in Christchurch 03 377 5447

If you only have a crank sensor then a wasted spark option might be the go using say EVO/VR4 coils.


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