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hello guys , im looking for some help getting my power steering to idle up when in use  , how many wires will i need to find from the cars loom to connect to the link . will it just be the one wire . i think im almost sure it a blue and yellow wire that i need to connet to the link maybe di input . can anyone shed some light on this for me  , its a uk 1994 mr2 . and im using a link g4 storm


thank you




Hi Simon,

The normal way for it to be done would be to connect the output from the power steering pressure switch to a digital input on the ECU and confirgure this as 'Power Steer'. Most power steer switches will output a low signal, so you would use have the pullup resistor on and the on level as low.

I have just answered your other question about other electrical loads, you would have to do one or the other for the idle power steer trim (method 2).

I would recommend using closed loop idle control as this will take care of all the additional loading.



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