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In cam control mode there are several s54 items to select, what differs these:

BMW dual vanos s54

BMW dual vanos s54 V2

BMW dual vanos s54 V3



Pattern is the same on all but each is geared for a different cam offset to the crank.

We have been working on confirming which is correct. As we have had 3 different sets of figures from three different people.

Currently it seems that V2 is the most often used.



On startup I was running dual vanos s54, and was geting error counts on EX/LH in vvt error counter / runtime values. I tryed changing it to dual vanos s54 v3 and I noted an improvement at low rpm changes but are still getting some error counts. I´ll try the  v2 setting later this evening. If it dont help do you think the right way for me is to determine the correct cam offset by trying to do a cam angle test on  Inlet / LH  that is connected to Digital 1, or must I do it on all four. And at what pulse count should I do the test.



Okay, now I´ve tryed the V2 setting and it dident help me at all. Then I tryed to a cam angle test on Inlet/LH, I got stable numbers with pulse count on 6, but everytime I reved the engine above the rpm limit for activation 1200rpm I got different numbers, lowest nr was 89 (and later on 54) so I tryed to apply that nr to digital 1 input offset. It got a little bit better (even better with 54), but the idle got very rough. 

So I tryed changing it back to default 114, then it work with 114, Only a few errors on startup and a total of 5-6 by reving for a few minutes. The idel are still rough noting like before.

A clue might be found at runtime values, the Inlet / LH target value reads 0 (whitch I think is ok) but the Inlet / LH posn reads values like 45-55 on low rews just above idle. I wonder if I have wired the advance and retard solenoids the wrong way around. Dont remember the values for the exhaus / LH but I think it was about -2 on low rews.

Could you please help me witht this



It could be the solenoid wiring as it operates in a push pull fashion so getting the wiring incorrect will cause issues.

I also assume you have removed the diodes out of the circuit refer to the info in the help file.


Yes I have removed the diodes as in the help file, and ign +12 volts to pin 2 and 5 brown wires.

pin 1 green in-aux2
pin 3 black in-aux1
pin 4 green ex-aux4
pin 6 black ex-aux3

I will try reverse aux 1 and 2 for in and the same with 3 and 4


I found this numbers for the vanos connector

VANOS connector pin 3: Intake cam advance.
VANOS connector pin 1: Intake cam retard.
VANOS connector pin 6: Exhaust cam advance.
VANOS connector pin 4: Exhaust cam retard.

Can anywone se right away that connecting (digital input 1 inlet lh) Aux 1 inlet LH to connector pin 1 intake retard instead of   pin 3 advance that it is connected now is the right way to go.


Now I am running this configuration and no differens

pin 1 green in-aux1
pin 3 black in-aux2
pin 4 green ex-aux3
pin 6 black ex-aux4

in/lhcam target 0
in/lhcam posn 59 

in/lhcam target 0
in/lhcam posn 0

ex/lhcam target 0
ex/lhcam posn -2,5 

ex/lhcam target 0
ex/lhcam posn 0

I wonder if it is an issue that I had to change crank angle offset from deafault s54  276 to (-360dgr) -85


Okay, now I am running the engine without error count.

trigger mode set to  s54 v2/v3

trigger 1 offset 272

cam control mode s54 v3

I am still having this issue with this

in/lhcam target 0
in/lhcam posn 59   

in/lhcam target 0
in/lhcam posn 0

ex/lhcam target 0
ex/lhcam posn -2,5 

ex/lhcam target 0
ex/lhcam posn 0

I will email you  logg and my pcl file  to [email protected]



I cant get the vanos adjustment to work properly.

Back to basic:

I did the cam angle test
Inlet/lh I got 114.7 
exaust/lh I got  13.2
I have been running 114 and 10

both cam sensors are hall sensors, and I have pull up  ON 

One thing I wonder about Is the vvt status, inlet/rh signal and exaust/rh signal are always highlighted in green and marked ok. The same with exhaust/rh and inlet/rh sys status  always marked  OFF or RPM zero.

Is that normal?

It sometime seems like it advances the  cam (retard for ex) and is unable to retard it 


I must ad to my previous post that in the logg parameter list I have Aux 1-4, the reading for these are always:

Aux 1  off
Aux 2  on
Aux 3  off
Aux 4  on

Whar indicates this? 

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