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Hi there, I have been reading through the forums looking for information on the Link ECU's as I have a G3 ecu in a competition drift car however I am now changing engine to the BMW M5 V8 S62 engine which has dual vanos on each bank.

I have the wiring diagram for the dual vanos on the S54 M6 inline 6 engine using Trig 1 for Crank sensor, Trig 2 for exhaust cam angle and digital input 1 for intake cam position, then 4 aux out signals to switch the soilenoids to ground to activate.

My question is wether it would be possible to have an additional 2 digital inputs on the G3 ecu, and if it would be possible to change the AUX outputs from a switch to ground to a positive output of either 6 or 12v so that I could build a simple logic board to use one aux output to control 2 relays based on if the input signal is 6 or 12v thus allowing me to control 8 soilenoids through 4 aux chanels?

if this is not possible is there any way of combining the intake cams and exhaust cams for both sides and linking the soilenoids so that both soilenoids are controlled via a drift of either left or right bank cam sensor and use the vanos as a single RPM switching point to go from full retard on both banks to full advance and hold?

Would it be possible to find out how the Vanos control is performed? is it just switched to ground and hold?

Many Thanks and apologies for the long first question.

Brad =)



After a little further reading would it be possible to input and output all signals as per the inline 6 by using the following:

Trig1 - Crank

Trig2 - RHbank Exhaust cam

Digital1 - RHbank Intake cam

Digital2 - LHbank Exhaust cam

Digital3 - LHbank Intake cam

Then Use Analog load inputs 1&3 for MAP and TPS

Aux 2 RHbank Intake advance solenoid

Aux 4 RHbank Intake retard solenoid

Aux 5 RHbank Exhaust advance solenoid

Aux 6 RHbank Exhaust retard solenoid

Aux 7 LHbank Intake advance solenoid

Aux 8 LHbank Intake retard solenoid

Aux 9 LHbank Exhaust advance solenoid

Aux 10 LHbank Exhaust retard solenoid

This still leaves Idle control via AUX 1 and all 8 channels of injectors and ignition through 2 4 channel amplifiers one for each bank, and Analog inputs for 0-5V map switching through a simple switch.

If this configuration would work will the CAS 12v sensor power be able to cope with 4 CAS powers?

I will complete a wiring diagram after I get the wiring pinouts for the S62 engine, so any feedback anyone can provide would be a huge help!

Many Thanks

Brad =)


Hi Brad,

I have replied to you by email, but will post some of what I said here to help forum users in the future. If I come across more information on how to make it work I will put it here also.

I have a had a look over your diagrams, there are some issues unfortunately. As you know each cam requires two auxiliary outputs to control it, however for variable cam control the auxiliary outputs used must be Aux outputs 1 to 4. This means you can only control two VANOS cams.



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